Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Uh-Oh. :(

I'm so confused!!!!!

I was approached today by Linda Rodd asking if I was going abroad next semester.  A simple enough question, yeah?  No.  Not really.  (Note: abroad for me means to Dublin, Ireland.  We have a Montreal campus,  but I'm not interested.)

See, I had originally planned to have this amazing semester next semester free of commitments, worries, and bothers.  And now I have the option of going abroad dumped back in my lap.

My main arguments for not going were these: as a SWK major, classes for my program aren't being offered over there as of yet; I am not sure I have the $$$ to go (basically it's about the same cost as a regular semester, but you have to buy the plane tickets;) and I don't know if I want to leave Ryan here alone.

The first two can probably be negotiated and dealt with, but I don't know how I feel about leaving my oldest (in terms of years being friends) best friend alone at college for a semester.  And I don't know if I can handle it.

This is all sounding like it's coming to a phone conversation with my family tonight after my supper and before Music Makers.  See, I'd love to go, but for all the reasons mentioned above I just don't know.  I also don't know when/if later in life I'd be able to go on my own outside of college.  I mean, once you get settled in a career, you don't get good vacation time easily usually until your late 20s or mid 30s.  Which is suck.

I'm torn. 


1 comment:

  1. hun i really think you should take this opportunity if it is available to you. I'm so unbelievably touched and you know I love you more than words can describe, honestly. But I will be okay if you decided to take this opportunity. I will miss you so much, and it will be hard, but when you come back for vacas/summer, we will be reunited. That is, if you decide that this is what you want to do. But I want you to know that I am totally behind you. I don't know, we'll talk tonight. <333333333333
