Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today I Did Something Awesome


Don't Ask; Don't Tell.

Apparently America hasn't realized that when a law is passed, it applies to EVERYONE in the country.  Soldiers aren't exempt.  There is a law in this country that states that no individual can be discriminated against on basis of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.  And yet, if a soldier happens to come out, that individual is dishonorably discharged from the service.  WTF??!!!?  Excuse me?  REALLY?!  Okay, so apparently America needs recruits to go fight for rights in their country that don't even apply to themselves. 

This is really sad.

Ryan and I called our senators (Bernie Sanders and Patrick Leahy) and said that we would like for them to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell on Tuesday.  Lady Gaga (a goddess in all her glory,) is spurring a HUGE Youth Movement advocating for everyone in our generation to call our senators and finally, finally stand up for what we believe in.  Follow the link here to check it out.  This is SO important especially with the youth in this country.  We technically should have the largest say in making our voices heard in regards to this policy.  This is the rest of the majority of our lives, as well as the lives of our children that we are dealing with.  If Don't Ask Don't Tell isn't repealed, we have to live with this for the rest of our lives until someone is able to raise a large enough movement to take the government by storm. 

I feel as though the current 20-something-year-old generation is extraordinarily accepting and is also very motivated towards making the changes that we feel need to be made within our country.  We have a huge passion for those who are being discriminated against.  We've all been there at some point in our lives.  We've been socialized by parents, guardians, friends, schools, government, media, etc in terms of what to think, how to think, and what is the "right" thing to do.  Our generation is sick of being told what to think and feel.  We know what feels right in our hearts, and damnit we're doing something about it!

Lady Gaga said something that really stuck with me.  Granted, I will not be able to put it as eloquently as she did, but here's the basics of it.  This isn't about whether or not you personally believe in homosexuality or approve of it in any way, this is about senators doing their job in terms of holding up the Constitution.  Don't Ask Don't Tell is extremely unconstitutional.  It blows my mind that individuals have the right to not be discriminated against within the country, and yet our soldiers, the very people who are risking their lives for this right don't have it extended to them.  I don't understand how this makes any sense in the eyes of other people.

Bottom line: if you believe in something and you know in your heart that something is not right or feels weird to you, say something about it.  Call your senator and dish!  Seriously-people love to chat it up.  Start some controversy!  Remember how teachers always used to say "there are no stupid questions.  Chances are, if you have a question, the majority of the class probably has the same question.  Don't be afraid to ask it-everyone will appreciate that someone took the risk?"  Same policy here.  There may be many who believe in the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, but aren't going to actively show their support in order to sway the vote of their senators.  Please, I'm asking you as a fellow American, as 20 year old college student, as daughter, a classmate, a female, a friend--do what you think is right.  If you believe Don't Ask Don't Tell is unconstitutional and it doesn't feel right to you, figure out a way to get in contact with your senators.

If you live in Vermont:
Bernie Sanders' number is: (202) 224-5141
Patrick Leahy's number is: (202) 224-4242

Call them-and let them know what you feel.

This is America; We have the right to be heard.

<3 Megan <3

P.S. Tomorrow is weigh in day.  :S

1 comment:

  1. <3 I'm so happy we did that. The voice of our generation and the rights of individuals must be heard. I'm so proud of us, of Lady Gaga, and of everyone else who has spoken out against this discrimination. <3
