Now-to the subject at hand.
Our friend Eden does a lot of things that I'm sure she isn't aware of. I'm not sure if any of her friends have said these things to her, but I'm going to explain why I love Eden so much, and what she does for me that makes me want to improve upon myself.
Every time I see Eden, she is always very conscious about the way she smells. She almost always has perfume with her that she'll keep on hand to freshen up throughout the day. This has inspired me through high school and even into college to invest in good perfumes that last with me throughout the day. More recently, she's inspired me to keep a small bottle of some perfume with me at all times-just for when you need that extra oomph. This isn't health-related specifically, but it's always just nice to smell good. Smelling nice gives you a little more confidence, and if you're wearing perfume that you like, every time you smell yourself you get to smile. And smile even more when you get compliments rolling in. :)
I first heard about her being on Weight Watchers my senior year of high school. I joined and over time I lost 15 lbs on it! Unfortunately, I discontinued my membership because I thought I was going to be able to do it on my own. At the time, I was losing weight and toning up because of Champlain Loses It, but after I got home for the summer....that all got thrown out the window. 245lbs was as low as I was able to get. My body usually regulates itself around 260-and my goal is to get to 180. This amounts to about 80 lbs that I (still) have to lose. What a long journey.

In addition to just wanting to look fit, healthy, and "normal", I'm scared about what may happen if I don't lose the weight. My grandfather has diabetes, and the majority of my family has heart problems and cholesterol/blood pressure issues. I've been very lucky in that I have had excellent blood pressure my whole life, but that may not be the case another 5 years from now. I want to add as many years to my life as possible, rather than deduct from them. I love life. I love Ryan, Ashley, Velvet, Rosie, Eden, and ALL of my wonderful, fabulous friends. And I'm still very much in like with Mitchell. I don't want to die before having a full, long life with everybody. I also know that the longer I wait to lose this weight, the harder it is going to be. Time to bite the bullet and get to it.
Aside from Eden injecting my with HUGE amounts of inspiration (she makes losing weight and staying toned look so easy and I know-probably more than most-that it isn't,) I have been taking my Intro to Biology class this summer. These last 2 weeks my classmates have been giving their presentations on whatever topic they chose to research. My friend Beth who sits next to me in class decided to research nutrition and what effects certain foods have on the body-and exactly how these foods affect your body (on a cellular level.) Her presentation has recently give me that extra push I needed to get back on track. I'm so sick and tired of having all this extra tummy flubber, and my gut. I want so badly to be able to fit into a size 14/16 and feel hot, not just pretty when I'm walking down the street. P.S.-ever notice how "pretty" is such a wimpy word? Like, oh, well, you're ALMOST beautiful, but not quite. So-you're just pretty. I want to be recognized and appreciated for being as beautiful as I am. I don't meant to say that in a conceited, narcissistic way, just a positive self-image way. (Yet another thing Eden has inspired me to think of.) I don't always have the best self-image, and I often burn myself out for other people. She is like a breath of fresh air in the sense that she reminds me that I shouldn't be settling for other people. I need to put people in my life who are on my level, and who are positive and who are going to recognize me and how awesome I am. I shouldn't have to change everything I am for someone, they should accept me as I am or move on.
Lastly, both Eden and Beth inspire me to eat to be healthy and to make my body function correctly-not just eat to eat. Eden gets SO excited about the Lyndonville Farmer's Market. I love seeing how excited she gets about buying a whole head of local lettuce for $3.00, or water chestnuts at the grocery store. Beth's presentation touched upon how it's probably better to stick with getting your vitamins and minerals from the food source itself, rather than through a supplement. The reason it may be better is because of the way your body processes minerals in a supplement (pill), versus minerals found in natural food. Vitamins and minerals found in a natural food source get digested through your intestines-and therefore are processed the way your body is supposed to process these nutrients. If you take a pill for Vitamin B, it'll get digested through your liver, which is an entirely different process. Maybe your body won't get as much of a benefit from a supplement versus digesting the actual food it is found in naturally. Whoa. Intense, huh? Of course, if you aren't eating the right foods to get the vitamins and minerals, a supplement is perfectly acceptable. You need to get certain nutrients into your body one way or another. And if a pill form is the only way you can make that happen, well then have at it!
I'm noticing that I can't just do one or the other. Everything under the category of "health" is interconnected. Mental health, emotional health, and physical health. If you are mentally and emotionally not well, then your physical health may begin to break down. It makes sense. An easy example of this is when you're trying to fall asleep, but you've got so much on your mind and you're so stressed out that you can't get to sleep for hours. You then wake up the next day exhausted, more stressed, and really unhappy most of the day. It only stands to reason that you can't improve upon one part of yourself without also working at least on some other part of yourself-on some level. I mean, as you're losing weight don't you start to feel more confident and buoyant in your own body? That's a positive connection. You're physically taking care of your body, and your body rewards you with a happier mental/emotional state. Awesome!
I've been exceedingly frustrated with my food situation here at home this summer. I'm finally getting through to my family that I want more fruits and vegetables. I'm sick of ice cream, bread, Lay's potato chips, and junk food. I want more fiber and protein in my diet, and I want to have the freedom to make my own choices. I'm in love with Dannon Light N' Fit yogurts and then adding granola in them. I can't remember if I've done a little segment on how good yogurt is for you, but it's supposed to help with the bacteria all throughout your digestive system for the most part-specifically in your mouth and stomach. Also for females-it's supposed to support vaginal health too. Kind of cool that you get all those benefits from one food, huh? That's like a 3 for 1 deal! Think $ALE, ladies!
For now-I am determined to help save the world and my own life by making smarter choices. I know that diet is only half the battle-the other half lies in physical labor/exercise. But, one thing at a time. When I get back to Burlington I'll be much more active, and I'll be enrolled in Zumba classes again. I'm going to do my best to cut back severely on all processed foods, work on eating more natural foods, and find foods that make my body work well for me. It's a lot to put together all at once, I agree. But, unfortunately in my own mind-it's necessary. I just need to continue channeling my muse, Eden, and her excitement about beets and other vegetables. They do your body good.
Until next time.
Much love!
<3 Megan <3
ReplyDeleteOkay, so she sounds kind of hippie, but this chick definitely drives the point home that I was trying to make in my blog post. Check it out!
Want a Zumba buddy? I've never done it, but I want to try it.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Velvet won't be coming back this year to Champlain, and I was feeling a little intimidated about going alone. (The class is wickid fun, but it was a lot more enjoyable with a friend.)
ReplyDeleteHaha. If you want to come with me then YES-please do! Nakeeya says that it'll be Mondays from 6-7. Not sure if they're starting out Monday the 30th or waiting till the next week, but either way I'm going to be there regardless. The gym and I are going to become bffs. :)
bad news... starts with night, ends with class... on monday.
ReplyDeleteDude, you are awesome and you are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAnd when we get back to B-Town, we should go on wicked long walks and shit when we don't have homework or plans and stuff.