Hello, my lovelies! This is my 2nd blog post in the span of 24 hours. I'm totally on top of this! :)
This is my 100th blog post here on blogger.com, and I just want to think for a moment on what a journey I've been on throughout these 100 posts. Whoa. That's intense.
Nostalgia aside, I want to inform you all of an AWESOME thing happening in our country right now. As I was reading my monthly issue of Glamour, this feel-good idea was brought up yet again, after having previously seen it in a former issue. OperationBeautiful is this wonderful thing where women are inspiring other women to realize their natural beauty. So, how do you do this? Random acts of post-its. What you do is write down an inspirational message on a post-it, and stick it to a mirror in a bathroom stall, on the mirror, or somewhere on a subway, bus, or train for other women to find. Messages usually go something like "Smile. You're gorgeous. Operationbeautiful.com." It's such a sweet thing to do, and doesn't really take much time out of your day. Everyone needs a pick-me-up at some point in their lives, and seeing a post-it telling a woman she is worthy can sometimes be all it takes to turn her day around. Make each other smile, spread the love. Tell all the women in your life they are beautiful and deserve the world. Because seriously, we do. ;)
In other good news-3 days into Weight Watchers I've lost 5 lbs!!!! Now-to all of you out there who may not know, the weight that is coming off me right now is likely just bloat, and water weight. This is the easy part. All the weight I'm losing hereafter is going to come off much harder. That doesn't mean that I can't still revel in my awesomeness and be proud of myself for an evening. Guess what else I even did today? 26 minutes on a stationary bike! Okay, so earlier I posted about how I was going to read and exercise all day at the same time? That didn't work out. Reading took too much concentration, and it's very hard to concentrate when you're breathing heavy and sweating. I didn't even make it a full half hour because I mis-timed myself (I was using Crest Whitestrips left over from the box I bought about a year ago,) and so I had to stop and take the strips off before a full 1/2 hr on the bike. That's okay with me though-my toes were numb. Haha! I just want to point out that although this sounds ridiculous (26 minutes on a stationary bike-that's it-really?), it's more exercise than I've been getting all summer. I felt awesome from all the endorphins afterward, and it was a good place for me to start. I regret to inform you that I did not make it to the treadmill, and after those 26 minutes I spent the rest of the day reading in bed, however I feel doubly accomplished because I finished the book I was expecting was going to take me another 2 days to read.
This is especially awesome because I've still got 12 books I'd like to read before going back to college. (That's over a book a day for those of you that don't remember that Aug. 29th is my move-in day for Champlain.) 10 days left as of tomorrow. Yeah, whoa is what I said too. Tomorrow is my last full day of work at Kinney's (I still have a few more days of the 5 hr closing shifts to work,) so this really feels as though summer is FINALLY wrapping up. I miss Ashley so much, but I'm also very well aware that once I'm in B-town I'll be missing Mitchell incredible amounts also. I just can't ever win. Haha! Ah, well, such is life. All the suckyness I have to endure now I hope will pay off in my future.
I won't keep you all much longer. This is my second book-ish post I've created today, and I know everyone has better things to do than to read about my life all evening.
Thank you for tuning in, as always.
<3 Megan <3
pft, who would get bored of reading about your life? For realz, dood.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on ur 100th post hun!! I'm so proud of you and ur wonderful blog. You're making a real difference and having a beautiful effect on people. Love you! <3