Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back To B-Town; Staying the Same

Helloooo everyone!

So much has changed since the last time I posted.  Whoa.  Well, to start, I'm back in Burlington, I've managed to stay the same weight-wise from last week after going over by 31 points on Weight Watchers (no idea how I managed that,) and I'm also currently single.

Life feels good right now.  I'm in my own little happy place, I'm back with my "other" family, and my dorm is still here.  I missed it soooooooo much so it feels fabulous to get my bed back and to be back in my own suite.  Ahhhh....what fun!

Another little awesome tidbit for this year is that Ryan and I are sharing our dorms 50/50.  I've got half my clothes up in his single, and he has some of his clothes down hanging in my closet.  It's going to be lovely.  :D  I can't wait for this year to get rolling.  It's going to be wonderful.  I can't believe I start my whole new schedule tomorrow and have to start getting back into the swing of things.  Everything is slowly falling back into place, and it's really quite wonderful.  <3

I failed last week on reporting my measurements, but I intend to fix that and keep up with it.  Unless maybe it's better for me to record once a month?  Because I've spent the whole day moving in and around Burlington, I'm a little tired to go get up and measure all body parts right now.  If I find some free time tomorrow I will do my best to get on that for you all.  Thank you for bearing with me and being patient.

For now, I'm signing off.  It's been a very long day and I need some beauty sleep for tomorrow.

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. <333 can't wait for this year to get rolling!!! Thank you for all your help today and for all your love :) I'm so excited that we're basically roommates this year hahahaha <3 Love you!
