Helloooo everyone!
So much has changed since the last time I posted. Whoa. Well, to start, I'm back in Burlington, I've managed to stay the same weight-wise from last week after going over by 31 points on Weight Watchers (no idea how I managed that,) and I'm also currently single.
Life feels good right now. I'm in my own little happy place, I'm back with my "other" family, and my dorm is still here. I missed it soooooooo much so it feels fabulous to get my bed back and to be back in my own suite. Ahhhh....what fun!
Another little awesome tidbit for this year is that Ryan and I are sharing our dorms 50/50. I've got half my clothes up in his single, and he has some of his clothes down hanging in my closet. It's going to be lovely. :D I can't wait for this year to get rolling. It's going to be wonderful. I can't believe I start my whole new schedule tomorrow and have to start getting back into the swing of things. Everything is slowly falling back into place, and it's really quite wonderful. <3
I failed last week on reporting my measurements, but I intend to fix that and keep up with it. Unless maybe it's better for me to record once a month? Because I've spent the whole day moving in and around Burlington, I'm a little tired to go get up and measure all body parts right now. If I find some free time tomorrow I will do my best to get on that for you all. Thank you for bearing with me and being patient.
For now, I'm signing off. It's been a very long day and I need some beauty sleep for tomorrow.
Much love!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Heyyyyyy everyone!
TODAY IS WEIGH IN DAY! As of this Sunday, 8/22, my weight is down to 260!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLLA! That means I've dropped 5 lbs in a week. Again, this isn't the way the weight is going to peel off for my entire time on Weight Watchers, this is just the easy stuff. The bloat/water weight/whatever else you want to call it. From here on out it's about to get hardcore. Tonight is going to be a challenge because my family and I are going out to eat after I'm out of work to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and now my weight loss (which they don't yet know about.) This means that I'm not going to know point values of foods until after the fact...which could potentially really suck. BUT-my weekly extra points have refreshed themselves because it's a brand new week.
In other, somewhat related news- I GO BACK TO CAMP CHAMP IN 7 DAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Ryan and I have been counting down the days until we move back to Burlington. Aug. 29th is move in day for both of us, so we're VEERY excited to get back with our friends and live on our own again. Ryan's grandmother was right in saying that once you've lived on your own for a while and then come back to live at home, it isn't quite the same. Lots of little changes that are made at home while you're gone amount to an entirely new lifestyle by the time you get back in your house. It's weird.
The other-more directly relevant-reason I'm excited to get back to Champlain is because of me being able to make healthy choices-the salad bar is ALWAYS there, and there's always some kind of soup out (even if I think I don't like it-I need to get over that and have a bowl anyway.) Also, after I have my workstudy schedule, I'll be able to fit in what days I'm doing exercise and when. I miss working out at our gym, and I'll be very glad when I can get myself into a set routine and get all hardcore with the gym buffs. (Insert football-esque grunt, "UGH!" here.)
Thank you again to all you amazing lovelies out there who are cheering me on every step of the way. I couldn't do it without all of you!!!
<3 Megan <3
P.S. I realize that I'm too lazy to take down all my measurements this morning, but I promise I'll do it within the next day or so. <3
TODAY IS WEIGH IN DAY! As of this Sunday, 8/22, my weight is down to 260!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLLA! That means I've dropped 5 lbs in a week. Again, this isn't the way the weight is going to peel off for my entire time on Weight Watchers, this is just the easy stuff. The bloat/water weight/whatever else you want to call it. From here on out it's about to get hardcore. Tonight is going to be a challenge because my family and I are going out to eat after I'm out of work to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and now my weight loss (which they don't yet know about.) This means that I'm not going to know point values of foods until after the fact...which could potentially really suck. BUT-my weekly extra points have refreshed themselves because it's a brand new week.
In other, somewhat related news- I GO BACK TO CAMP CHAMP IN 7 DAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Ryan and I have been counting down the days until we move back to Burlington. Aug. 29th is move in day for both of us, so we're VEERY excited to get back with our friends and live on our own again. Ryan's grandmother was right in saying that once you've lived on your own for a while and then come back to live at home, it isn't quite the same. Lots of little changes that are made at home while you're gone amount to an entirely new lifestyle by the time you get back in your house. It's weird.
The other-more directly relevant-reason I'm excited to get back to Champlain is because of me being able to make healthy choices-the salad bar is ALWAYS there, and there's always some kind of soup out (even if I think I don't like it-I need to get over that and have a bowl anyway.) Also, after I have my workstudy schedule, I'll be able to fit in what days I'm doing exercise and when. I miss working out at our gym, and I'll be very glad when I can get myself into a set routine and get all hardcore with the gym buffs. (Insert football-esque grunt, "UGH!" here.)
Thank you again to all you amazing lovelies out there who are cheering me on every step of the way. I couldn't do it without all of you!!!
<3 Megan <3
P.S. I realize that I'm too lazy to take down all my measurements this morning, but I promise I'll do it within the next day or so. <3
To Ryan, Forever And Always
Hello, everyone!
So tomorrow when I wake up it's time to weigh in! Last I knew I had lost about 5 lbs over the course of the past week, and already I'm starting to feel it. It's easier to move, to get around, and the pain has lessened in my feet and hips after I've been on my feet for a while. However, I won't have the actual results to post to you until tomorrow. :)
Now, to business. I'm taking another 1-post hiatus from the focus of losing weight, and putting it on something/someone else in my life. Ryan has blogged recently about his doings and going-ons at the Haskell Opera House this summer, what with rehearsing Curtains, and more recently the putting on of the actual show. If you've lost the link to Ryan's blog, follow him here.
So tomorrow when I wake up it's time to weigh in! Last I knew I had lost about 5 lbs over the course of the past week, and already I'm starting to feel it. It's easier to move, to get around, and the pain has lessened in my feet and hips after I've been on my feet for a while. However, I won't have the actual results to post to you until tomorrow. :)
Now, to business. I'm taking another 1-post hiatus from the focus of losing weight, and putting it on something/someone else in my life. Ryan has blogged recently about his doings and going-ons at the Haskell Opera House this summer, what with rehearsing Curtains, and more recently the putting on of the actual show. If you've lost the link to Ryan's blog, follow him here.
First off let me say, awww my baby has grown up so fast!!!! Staring out as a soprano with me back in 7th/8th grade, and singing songs like "Hero", "Dancing Queen", and something about a bell dying?, now to this amazing tenor voice that reaches every nook and cranny of the opera house, Ryan is coming into his own as a performer.
I know I will never be the one belting everything I have in me on stage (my voice isn't strong enough for that), but that's okay-that's what Ryan is here for. I am needed elsewhere in the world, but Ryan always has and always will belong on the stage. My place is in the audience, providing unending support and love for the person in my life I know is going to go places. (I just hope that after he gets the swanky house and swimming pool I can come visit-often. Maybe daily? Or like, make every night a sleepover? Please?) ;)
Every consecutive time I've see Ryan perform I find myself smiling bigger and bigger. (Except, of course for the times I've performed with him, in which case it's "LIGHTS ON!" and everyone has to have a smile plastered on, regardless.) It's clear to see that he's gaining skills and confidence with each role he successfully completes, and his resume is already pretty extensive without even have graduated college yet!
Ryan, you have such a power in your voice now that is SO extraordinary. I want you to know how fucking proud of you I am, and that even though I'll never be on par with you vocally, I love singing with you. I love being in your audience, and I love being there to support you in all the rest of the process. Your voice makes me happy, and just FYI-I'm going to be around forever. So, you might as well get used to having groupies everywhere you go, cuz...mmm, you know. (P.S.-I hope you're crying now. I'm trying reallllly hard.) :P
Keep doing what you're doing. Even if I have to fake it and pretend like I'm going to Becky's Music Maker's party at the end of the year instead of hitching a ride from Sketchy Josh up to UVM and surprising you at the performance of the Red Eye Festival, I'm going to continue to surprise you and do my best to make it to your performances. You continue to do amazing things, and I feel so incredibly lucky to have you in my life.
To all the rest of the cast and company of Curtains, amazing job! You all seem like wonderful people, and for the few of you I got to meet and talk to in person-you all have my same kind of humor and demeanour. To the techies and musicians, congrats for putting on a FABULOUS show!
Blogosphere, please comment below and tell Ryan what an amazing job he did. Bravo!
<3 Megan <3
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Happy 100th Post to Me!
Hello, my lovelies! This is my 2nd blog post in the span of 24 hours. I'm totally on top of this! :)
This is my 100th blog post here on blogger.com, and I just want to think for a moment on what a journey I've been on throughout these 100 posts. Whoa. That's intense.
Nostalgia aside, I want to inform you all of an AWESOME thing happening in our country right now. As I was reading my monthly issue of Glamour, this feel-good idea was brought up yet again, after having previously seen it in a former issue. OperationBeautiful is this wonderful thing where women are inspiring other women to realize their natural beauty. So, how do you do this? Random acts of post-its. What you do is write down an inspirational message on a post-it, and stick it to a mirror in a bathroom stall, on the mirror, or somewhere on a subway, bus, or train for other women to find. Messages usually go something like "Smile. You're gorgeous. Operationbeautiful.com." It's such a sweet thing to do, and doesn't really take much time out of your day. Everyone needs a pick-me-up at some point in their lives, and seeing a post-it telling a woman she is worthy can sometimes be all it takes to turn her day around. Make each other smile, spread the love. Tell all the women in your life they are beautiful and deserve the world. Because seriously, we do. ;)
In other good news-3 days into Weight Watchers I've lost 5 lbs!!!! Now-to all of you out there who may not know, the weight that is coming off me right now is likely just bloat, and water weight. This is the easy part. All the weight I'm losing hereafter is going to come off much harder. That doesn't mean that I can't still revel in my awesomeness and be proud of myself for an evening. Guess what else I even did today? 26 minutes on a stationary bike! Okay, so earlier I posted about how I was going to read and exercise all day at the same time? That didn't work out. Reading took too much concentration, and it's very hard to concentrate when you're breathing heavy and sweating. I didn't even make it a full half hour because I mis-timed myself (I was using Crest Whitestrips left over from the box I bought about a year ago,) and so I had to stop and take the strips off before a full 1/2 hr on the bike. That's okay with me though-my toes were numb. Haha! I just want to point out that although this sounds ridiculous (26 minutes on a stationary bike-that's it-really?), it's more exercise than I've been getting all summer. I felt awesome from all the endorphins afterward, and it was a good place for me to start. I regret to inform you that I did not make it to the treadmill, and after those 26 minutes I spent the rest of the day reading in bed, however I feel doubly accomplished because I finished the book I was expecting was going to take me another 2 days to read.
This is especially awesome because I've still got 12 books I'd like to read before going back to college. (That's over a book a day for those of you that don't remember that Aug. 29th is my move-in day for Champlain.) 10 days left as of tomorrow. Yeah, whoa is what I said too. Tomorrow is my last full day of work at Kinney's (I still have a few more days of the 5 hr closing shifts to work,) so this really feels as though summer is FINALLY wrapping up. I miss Ashley so much, but I'm also very well aware that once I'm in B-town I'll be missing Mitchell incredible amounts also. I just can't ever win. Haha! Ah, well, such is life. All the suckyness I have to endure now I hope will pay off in my future.
I won't keep you all much longer. This is my second book-ish post I've created today, and I know everyone has better things to do than to read about my life all evening.
Thank you for tuning in, as always.
<3 Megan <3
This is my 100th blog post here on blogger.com, and I just want to think for a moment on what a journey I've been on throughout these 100 posts. Whoa. That's intense.
Nostalgia aside, I want to inform you all of an AWESOME thing happening in our country right now. As I was reading my monthly issue of Glamour, this feel-good idea was brought up yet again, after having previously seen it in a former issue. OperationBeautiful is this wonderful thing where women are inspiring other women to realize their natural beauty. So, how do you do this? Random acts of post-its. What you do is write down an inspirational message on a post-it, and stick it to a mirror in a bathroom stall, on the mirror, or somewhere on a subway, bus, or train for other women to find. Messages usually go something like "Smile. You're gorgeous. Operationbeautiful.com." It's such a sweet thing to do, and doesn't really take much time out of your day. Everyone needs a pick-me-up at some point in their lives, and seeing a post-it telling a woman she is worthy can sometimes be all it takes to turn her day around. Make each other smile, spread the love. Tell all the women in your life they are beautiful and deserve the world. Because seriously, we do. ;)
In other good news-3 days into Weight Watchers I've lost 5 lbs!!!! Now-to all of you out there who may not know, the weight that is coming off me right now is likely just bloat, and water weight. This is the easy part. All the weight I'm losing hereafter is going to come off much harder. That doesn't mean that I can't still revel in my awesomeness and be proud of myself for an evening. Guess what else I even did today? 26 minutes on a stationary bike! Okay, so earlier I posted about how I was going to read and exercise all day at the same time? That didn't work out. Reading took too much concentration, and it's very hard to concentrate when you're breathing heavy and sweating. I didn't even make it a full half hour because I mis-timed myself (I was using Crest Whitestrips left over from the box I bought about a year ago,) and so I had to stop and take the strips off before a full 1/2 hr on the bike. That's okay with me though-my toes were numb. Haha! I just want to point out that although this sounds ridiculous (26 minutes on a stationary bike-that's it-really?), it's more exercise than I've been getting all summer. I felt awesome from all the endorphins afterward, and it was a good place for me to start. I regret to inform you that I did not make it to the treadmill, and after those 26 minutes I spent the rest of the day reading in bed, however I feel doubly accomplished because I finished the book I was expecting was going to take me another 2 days to read.
This is especially awesome because I've still got 12 books I'd like to read before going back to college. (That's over a book a day for those of you that don't remember that Aug. 29th is my move-in day for Champlain.) 10 days left as of tomorrow. Yeah, whoa is what I said too. Tomorrow is my last full day of work at Kinney's (I still have a few more days of the 5 hr closing shifts to work,) so this really feels as though summer is FINALLY wrapping up. I miss Ashley so much, but I'm also very well aware that once I'm in B-town I'll be missing Mitchell incredible amounts also. I just can't ever win. Haha! Ah, well, such is life. All the suckyness I have to endure now I hope will pay off in my future.
I won't keep you all much longer. This is my second book-ish post I've created today, and I know everyone has better things to do than to read about my life all evening.
Thank you for tuning in, as always.
<3 Megan <3
Measurements...and Baffled By 1/2 Cup
Hi, all! So, this post is about all of my measurements of my body, as well as measurements in general of food and the like. Above you'll find a full-body shot of me. This was taken before I left Burlington this last semester. I basically still look the same, but there it is. As you can see, the majority of the concentration of my extra weight is in my tummy/gut area, so that's where I'm really looking to start losing it. And yeah, I know my arms are kind of flabby too, but honestly, who doesn't have flabby arms these days? A little fun fact for you: your arms are actually the easiest part of your body to tone. Seriously. Try doing some sets with free weights for about a week, and you'll see what I mean.
Now, as of last night, I decided to go out and buy a tape measurer, and take down all of my measurements.
Here's what I got (keep in mind that the numbers are recoreded in inches):
R Arm 17
L Arm 19
Bust 50
Waist 48.5
Belly 53
Hips 56.5
R Thigh 28
L Thigh 29
Okay, so-obviously those numbers are pretty large. BUT, that's why I'm on WW to bring everything back down under control. As of yesterday (2 days on WW), I've already lost 2.5 lbs. YEAAAHHHHH!!! My plans for today are to work on reading a lot of books I would love to get read before I leave for college-while walking on the treadmill, or on the stationary bike. Killing 2 birds with one stone. It's awesome. <3
Now, who here has heard of Fiber One cereal? Take a moment, and go here. Okay, so try to suppress the urge to roll your eyes, scoff, and reach for the nearest box of Lucky Charms. I know, I was in that same place about 2 weeks ago. I decided to try a box of Fiber One from my work last week. It was the really ugly looking bran kind that you see on the Fiber One homepage. Turns out, it doesn't just taste like icky bran with no flavor whatsoever. There's like a hint of sugar somewhere (I think it may be honey?) so you're actually able to withstand the taste enough to eat the product. Amazing!!!! Now- what totally blows my mind (and I'm still not completely sure that I'm done being shocked,) is that 1/2 a cup of cereal is one serving. Now, sidestory:
I'm used to having an entire bowl of cereal when I eat cereal. The reason for this is because I usually only like "sugar cereals" (read: Lucky Charms, Reeses, Oreos, Frosted Flakes, Honey Nut Cheerios, etc.) You can't actually have an entire bowl of Fiber One, or you'll blow up. Okay, so that's not scientifically proven, but Fiber One fills you up incredibly fast. I can eat that one serving of 1/2 cup, and I'm full. If you had told me that 2 weeks ago I would have laughed at you and went back to buying my chocolate bars. SERIOUSLY! Haha! Now, I know that with the price of cereal, and especially this kind of cereal, you're wondering why you should be spending money on a product that "may or may not work." It does. Trust me. As soon as I have my next weigh-in on Weight Watchers, and take my next set of measurements, I hope you'll start to actually see the results with me. Not all healthy food has to taste like $hit! Make it fun! Keep it interesting! It helps.
Now, I would also love to end this blog on a happy note. Today I finally realized that I am making a difference with my blog. This is a shoutout to Rachel, who would like to jump on the rusty ol' lose-weight bandwagon with me, and start working on making a support and motivation group. This is exactly what I'm looking for from all of you. If I've inspired you or motivated to make even a small change in your daily routine that contribues to you living a healthier lifestyle, PLEASE tell me!!!!!! I love hearing that I'm affecting other people with this blog. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to myself, and that other people out there in the blogosphere actually pay attention to what I have to say. It gives me the fuzzies inside. :)
Good luck on your journey! To everyone out there, I'm going to pull the typical mom, and tell everyone to "make good choices" today! I mean it though...your body will appreciate you feeding it right.
Now, as of last night, I decided to go out and buy a tape measurer, and take down all of my measurements.
Here's what I got (keep in mind that the numbers are recoreded in inches):
R Arm 17
L Arm 19
Bust 50
Waist 48.5
Belly 53
Hips 56.5
R Thigh 28
L Thigh 29
Okay, so-obviously those numbers are pretty large. BUT, that's why I'm on WW to bring everything back down under control. As of yesterday (2 days on WW), I've already lost 2.5 lbs. YEAAAHHHHH!!! My plans for today are to work on reading a lot of books I would love to get read before I leave for college-while walking on the treadmill, or on the stationary bike. Killing 2 birds with one stone. It's awesome. <3
Now, who here has heard of Fiber One cereal? Take a moment, and go here. Okay, so try to suppress the urge to roll your eyes, scoff, and reach for the nearest box of Lucky Charms. I know, I was in that same place about 2 weeks ago. I decided to try a box of Fiber One from my work last week. It was the really ugly looking bran kind that you see on the Fiber One homepage. Turns out, it doesn't just taste like icky bran with no flavor whatsoever. There's like a hint of sugar somewhere (I think it may be honey?) so you're actually able to withstand the taste enough to eat the product. Amazing!!!! Now- what totally blows my mind (and I'm still not completely sure that I'm done being shocked,) is that 1/2 a cup of cereal is one serving. Now, sidestory:
I'm used to having an entire bowl of cereal when I eat cereal. The reason for this is because I usually only like "sugar cereals" (read: Lucky Charms, Reeses, Oreos, Frosted Flakes, Honey Nut Cheerios, etc.) You can't actually have an entire bowl of Fiber One, or you'll blow up. Okay, so that's not scientifically proven, but Fiber One fills you up incredibly fast. I can eat that one serving of 1/2 cup, and I'm full. If you had told me that 2 weeks ago I would have laughed at you and went back to buying my chocolate bars. SERIOUSLY! Haha! Now, I know that with the price of cereal, and especially this kind of cereal, you're wondering why you should be spending money on a product that "may or may not work." It does. Trust me. As soon as I have my next weigh-in on Weight Watchers, and take my next set of measurements, I hope you'll start to actually see the results with me. Not all healthy food has to taste like $hit! Make it fun! Keep it interesting! It helps.
Now, I would also love to end this blog on a happy note. Today I finally realized that I am making a difference with my blog. This is a shoutout to Rachel, who would like to jump on the rusty ol' lose-weight bandwagon with me, and start working on making a support and motivation group. This is exactly what I'm looking for from all of you. If I've inspired you or motivated to make even a small change in your daily routine that contribues to you living a healthier lifestyle, PLEASE tell me!!!!!! I love hearing that I'm affecting other people with this blog. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to myself, and that other people out there in the blogosphere actually pay attention to what I have to say. It gives me the fuzzies inside. :)
Good luck on your journey! To everyone out there, I'm going to pull the typical mom, and tell everyone to "make good choices" today! I mean it though...your body will appreciate you feeding it right.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ryan is a Bad Support System, But I Love Him Anyway
Hey all! So this post is dedicated to Ryan! 2 Days ago I started WW, and it's been rough re-programming my mind to what I actually need to eat versus what I want to eat. Points are consumed pretty quickly, man!
Anywho, yesterday Ryan and I went to go see my mom in her new managerial position at White's. She's got a huge kick-ass office (well, "huge" being a relative term-in our part of the world, the one she has is pretty big.) While we were looking through White's for AZ Iced Tea and even earlier at Price Chopper, comments such as, "Ohhhh! We should come here to get candy for the movies instead!" kept spewing from his mouth. Now, the problem isn't all in Ryan's obsession with all food (haha!), part of it is still in my brain and it's obsession with sugar. My instant reaction is "YEAH, MAN! Let's do it!" As you can obviously make out, this is bad for losing weight.
So, bottom line: Ryan needs to stop pointing out chocolate on sale to me, and I need to stop being in the mindset that I need sugar. I love it so much, but I will overdo it if given the chance. My willpower sucks.
On a lighter note, I've decided to invest in a tape measurer today. I watched a Youtube video of this woman measuring her arms, thighs, belly, waist, etc-and showing how many inches she's lost off her body after a good chunk of time on WW. That's SO awesome. I feel that this will help me to visualize and hold myself even more accountable to all the weight I'm planning on losing. She was so uplifiting! The video can be watched here.
Onto other news, Champlain is just 12 DAYS AWAY!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! <33333333
Also-I've yet again worked my magic with a blank piece of paper. Mitchell now has a kick-ass resume that is going to get him any job he'll ever want, and I've decided that perhaps I should take on the name:
The Resume Whisperer.
Very fitting, don't you think?
Alas, time has come for me to leave you and go to work.
I love you all. Stay strong in your pursuits!
<3 Megan <3
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My Life Changing/Turn That Attitude Around Post
Dear Blogosphere,
Please give it up for yours truly. Today I put myself back on Weight Watchers. At 265 lbs, on August 15th, I am fed up with my weight and worrying about the health risks I am taking by being this big. So, to commemorate this wonderful day, I want you all to raise a toast to your own health. Make yourself some tea, add sugar if you like, and before you sip, take in the aroma. Take the time to smell the flowers. Take a moment to realize where you are in life, what you put your body through every day, and all of the amazing processes your body goes through to keep you healthy. It does a lot of behind-the-scenes work that we don't even think about. Congratulate it for what it does for you, and treat it right from here on out.
I'm SO EXCITED to be pulling up from the drudgery of the rest of my summer. My first goal on Weight Watchers (probably henceforward referred to as WW) is to reach 251 lbs-losing 5% of my body weight. I can TOTALLY do that. I need to be very attentive and think about what I'm putting into my body, and perhaps even start becoming more active when I can. Keep in mind that my end goal is 180. WW is telling me that my ideal weight for my height is 124-155, however, I think this is b.s. With my body frame and considering how long I've been as big as I am, 124 is never going to work for me. I will look anorexic and underweight, and no one really wants to look diseased. Personally, I love a girl with a little meat on her bones. Not necessarily in a flabby manner, but just in a way that makes it looks like she eats right, and does healthy things for her body.
In short, it takes a lot of failures and a lot of times saying "I don't think I can do this" before permanent weight loss happens for someone. I've fallen off the horse many a time. It isn't about how many times you fall off the horse, its about how many calories you burn trying to get back on. ;) Right now I'm taking advantage of my new found motivation while I can. I know WW worked for me before, I know it'll work again. This is the only way I can hold myself personally accountable for my body. Once I start feeling the endorphins from working out however, hopefully that'll make my journey a bit easier to handle-as well as all the unyielding support from all of you out there-my readers, my friends, my family.
Also, by joining WW, I will hopefully keep you all more up-to-date on my blog here, as well. I'll check in once a week to let you know how my weekly weigh-ins are going, what progress I've made, and maybe if I have anything super yummy and good-for-you as a meal, I'll share my secrets. :)
Until next time blogosphere,
<3 Megan
P.S. It's time for me to finish the end of my final lab report for my last Intro to Biology class-tomorrow!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
P.P.S. Mitchell just came down to spend the weekend with me. We had such a good time and I miss that boy so much already. He sparkles...like a vampire.
Please give it up for yours truly. Today I put myself back on Weight Watchers. At 265 lbs, on August 15th, I am fed up with my weight and worrying about the health risks I am taking by being this big. So, to commemorate this wonderful day, I want you all to raise a toast to your own health. Make yourself some tea, add sugar if you like, and before you sip, take in the aroma. Take the time to smell the flowers. Take a moment to realize where you are in life, what you put your body through every day, and all of the amazing processes your body goes through to keep you healthy. It does a lot of behind-the-scenes work that we don't even think about. Congratulate it for what it does for you, and treat it right from here on out.
I'm SO EXCITED to be pulling up from the drudgery of the rest of my summer. My first goal on Weight Watchers (probably henceforward referred to as WW) is to reach 251 lbs-losing 5% of my body weight. I can TOTALLY do that. I need to be very attentive and think about what I'm putting into my body, and perhaps even start becoming more active when I can. Keep in mind that my end goal is 180. WW is telling me that my ideal weight for my height is 124-155, however, I think this is b.s. With my body frame and considering how long I've been as big as I am, 124 is never going to work for me. I will look anorexic and underweight, and no one really wants to look diseased. Personally, I love a girl with a little meat on her bones. Not necessarily in a flabby manner, but just in a way that makes it looks like she eats right, and does healthy things for her body.
In short, it takes a lot of failures and a lot of times saying "I don't think I can do this" before permanent weight loss happens for someone. I've fallen off the horse many a time. It isn't about how many times you fall off the horse, its about how many calories you burn trying to get back on. ;) Right now I'm taking advantage of my new found motivation while I can. I know WW worked for me before, I know it'll work again. This is the only way I can hold myself personally accountable for my body. Once I start feeling the endorphins from working out however, hopefully that'll make my journey a bit easier to handle-as well as all the unyielding support from all of you out there-my readers, my friends, my family.
Also, by joining WW, I will hopefully keep you all more up-to-date on my blog here, as well. I'll check in once a week to let you know how my weekly weigh-ins are going, what progress I've made, and maybe if I have anything super yummy and good-for-you as a meal, I'll share my secrets. :)
Until next time blogosphere,
<3 Megan
P.S. It's time for me to finish the end of my final lab report for my last Intro to Biology class-tomorrow!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
P.P.S. Mitchell just came down to spend the weekend with me. We had such a good time and I miss that boy so much already. He sparkles...like a vampire.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tribute To Eden and My Biology Class
Now-to the subject at hand.
Our friend Eden does a lot of things that I'm sure she isn't aware of. I'm not sure if any of her friends have said these things to her, but I'm going to explain why I love Eden so much, and what she does for me that makes me want to improve upon myself.
Every time I see Eden, she is always very conscious about the way she smells. She almost always has perfume with her that she'll keep on hand to freshen up throughout the day. This has inspired me through high school and even into college to invest in good perfumes that last with me throughout the day. More recently, she's inspired me to keep a small bottle of some perfume with me at all times-just for when you need that extra oomph. This isn't health-related specifically, but it's always just nice to smell good. Smelling nice gives you a little more confidence, and if you're wearing perfume that you like, every time you smell yourself you get to smile. And smile even more when you get compliments rolling in. :)
I first heard about her being on Weight Watchers my senior year of high school. I joined and over time I lost 15 lbs on it! Unfortunately, I discontinued my membership because I thought I was going to be able to do it on my own. At the time, I was losing weight and toning up because of Champlain Loses It, but after I got home for the summer....that all got thrown out the window. 245lbs was as low as I was able to get. My body usually regulates itself around 260-and my goal is to get to 180. This amounts to about 80 lbs that I (still) have to lose. What a long journey.

In addition to just wanting to look fit, healthy, and "normal", I'm scared about what may happen if I don't lose the weight. My grandfather has diabetes, and the majority of my family has heart problems and cholesterol/blood pressure issues. I've been very lucky in that I have had excellent blood pressure my whole life, but that may not be the case another 5 years from now. I want to add as many years to my life as possible, rather than deduct from them. I love life. I love Ryan, Ashley, Velvet, Rosie, Eden, and ALL of my wonderful, fabulous friends. And I'm still very much in like with Mitchell. I don't want to die before having a full, long life with everybody. I also know that the longer I wait to lose this weight, the harder it is going to be. Time to bite the bullet and get to it.
Aside from Eden injecting my with HUGE amounts of inspiration (she makes losing weight and staying toned look so easy and I know-probably more than most-that it isn't,) I have been taking my Intro to Biology class this summer. These last 2 weeks my classmates have been giving their presentations on whatever topic they chose to research. My friend Beth who sits next to me in class decided to research nutrition and what effects certain foods have on the body-and exactly how these foods affect your body (on a cellular level.) Her presentation has recently give me that extra push I needed to get back on track. I'm so sick and tired of having all this extra tummy flubber, and my gut. I want so badly to be able to fit into a size 14/16 and feel hot, not just pretty when I'm walking down the street. P.S.-ever notice how "pretty" is such a wimpy word? Like, oh, well, you're ALMOST beautiful, but not quite. So-you're just pretty. I want to be recognized and appreciated for being as beautiful as I am. I don't meant to say that in a conceited, narcissistic way, just a positive self-image way. (Yet another thing Eden has inspired me to think of.) I don't always have the best self-image, and I often burn myself out for other people. She is like a breath of fresh air in the sense that she reminds me that I shouldn't be settling for other people. I need to put people in my life who are on my level, and who are positive and who are going to recognize me and how awesome I am. I shouldn't have to change everything I am for someone, they should accept me as I am or move on.
Lastly, both Eden and Beth inspire me to eat to be healthy and to make my body function correctly-not just eat to eat. Eden gets SO excited about the Lyndonville Farmer's Market. I love seeing how excited she gets about buying a whole head of local lettuce for $3.00, or water chestnuts at the grocery store. Beth's presentation touched upon how it's probably better to stick with getting your vitamins and minerals from the food source itself, rather than through a supplement. The reason it may be better is because of the way your body processes minerals in a supplement (pill), versus minerals found in natural food. Vitamins and minerals found in a natural food source get digested through your intestines-and therefore are processed the way your body is supposed to process these nutrients. If you take a pill for Vitamin B, it'll get digested through your liver, which is an entirely different process. Maybe your body won't get as much of a benefit from a supplement versus digesting the actual food it is found in naturally. Whoa. Intense, huh? Of course, if you aren't eating the right foods to get the vitamins and minerals, a supplement is perfectly acceptable. You need to get certain nutrients into your body one way or another. And if a pill form is the only way you can make that happen, well then have at it!
I'm noticing that I can't just do one or the other. Everything under the category of "health" is interconnected. Mental health, emotional health, and physical health. If you are mentally and emotionally not well, then your physical health may begin to break down. It makes sense. An easy example of this is when you're trying to fall asleep, but you've got so much on your mind and you're so stressed out that you can't get to sleep for hours. You then wake up the next day exhausted, more stressed, and really unhappy most of the day. It only stands to reason that you can't improve upon one part of yourself without also working at least on some other part of yourself-on some level. I mean, as you're losing weight don't you start to feel more confident and buoyant in your own body? That's a positive connection. You're physically taking care of your body, and your body rewards you with a happier mental/emotional state. Awesome!
I've been exceedingly frustrated with my food situation here at home this summer. I'm finally getting through to my family that I want more fruits and vegetables. I'm sick of ice cream, bread, Lay's potato chips, and junk food. I want more fiber and protein in my diet, and I want to have the freedom to make my own choices. I'm in love with Dannon Light N' Fit yogurts and then adding granola in them. I can't remember if I've done a little segment on how good yogurt is for you, but it's supposed to help with the bacteria all throughout your digestive system for the most part-specifically in your mouth and stomach. Also for females-it's supposed to support vaginal health too. Kind of cool that you get all those benefits from one food, huh? That's like a 3 for 1 deal! Think $ALE, ladies!
For now-I am determined to help save the world and my own life by making smarter choices. I know that diet is only half the battle-the other half lies in physical labor/exercise. But, one thing at a time. When I get back to Burlington I'll be much more active, and I'll be enrolled in Zumba classes again. I'm going to do my best to cut back severely on all processed foods, work on eating more natural foods, and find foods that make my body work well for me. It's a lot to put together all at once, I agree. But, unfortunately in my own mind-it's necessary. I just need to continue channeling my muse, Eden, and her excitement about beets and other vegetables. They do your body good.
Until next time.
Much love!
<3 Megan <3
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