Thursday, October 1, 2009

For the Last Night in September 2009...

Ryan came over to watch Glee with Jess, Ashley, and I.  Velvet works Wednsday nights till midnight, so unfortunatley she can't join us this semester for Glee.

However, things went pretty well.

There were multiple Gleegasms, and then Eastwick  came on last night as well.  FANTASTIC shows!

Ryan and I got up this morning and walked down to Champ. Farms to get Ben and Jerry's ice cream (the Chunky Monkey kind!) for breakfast.  Unfortunately, when I tried to enter this into my Weight Watchers Tracker, I discovered that apparently Weight Watchers doesn't believe in Chunky Monkey ice cream or Ben & Jerry's.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE??????????  So I just estimated my points worth....which could be potentially dangerous.  But we'll see how this all works out.

Todays plans: Kickboxing.  OH boy.  Can't wait to come out drenched in sweat, and hoping I don't pass out.  Granted, I definitely need it.  (See above paragraph about breakfast.) I am hoping I will survive with my consciousness still intact.  We shall see!

I am on campus all day today meeting with my advisees.  I am a PA (Peer Advisor) and so I have about 14 Freshmen assigned to me to help guide them through Champlain's LEAD program.  Completing LEAD is IMPORTANT because if you DON'T you will NOT be able to register for spring classes.  I gave my advisees the ultimatem that today was the last day they are going to be able to meet with me, and my first appointment has ditched me......
WOW.  Way to take responsibility for your college career.  I am torn between telling him that no, he cannot reschedule an appointment with me, and relenting and making an appointment sometime on Sunday, or early Monday morning.  This sucks.  He needs to be more on top of his game.  Welcome to college, and such!
Unfortunatley, I'll have to make a decision.  I would love to call it quits, but I feel like my supervisor would make me reschedule with him regardless, so I might as well automatically do so after I meet with the rest of my students today.

On to more important matters: PIE!!!!!  Velvet made us a Fudgey-bottom something or other pie which includes LOTS of whipped cream, and chocolate pie crust, and a candybar of your choice.  Well, there goes my points for the whole week.  Psh...who needs points anyway?  My only drawback for this pie is that I don't really like whipped cream....yes, I know.  This probably makes me Captain of the FAIL boat. 
\Deserts and I sometimes get along.  I tend to be verrrrryyyy picky unless there is chocolate involved.  I will try anything as long as chocolate is involved.  Fruity pastries, donuts, and custard-based deserts I do not have a fondness for.  The ONLY donut I like is a chocolate glazed one.  But since donuts are worth lots of points, I tend to avoid donuts all together.  GOOD PLAN!

Well, I hope this catches you up on some of the stuff that went down last night.  I will spend the rest of my day waiting for advisees who may or may not show up, and doing a group meeting, and waiting for more advisees, then going to kickboxing, then more advisees, (supper may or may not happen), and THEN I can go home to do homework.

Velvet is coming home with me tomorrow so I can show her what Vermont REALLY looks like.  Really excited, but if I don't get my homework done I don't know how much I'll be enjoying my weekend.

Bottom Line:  Wish me luck, and send me positive thoughts so I can get through today without breaking down into tears!  Stay strong, and never look back (unless there was something that made you smile.)

Hope to write again soon!


1 comment:

  1. WTF is wrong with these little dumbass advissees you have? They're so stupid appearently they don't want to go to college next semester. Stupid asses. I'm sorry you had a bad day :(
