Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Bloggable Moment

Hello, dear readers.

I just went through a Haunted House at Bankus Hall.  I think I peed my pants a little.  Uhm, so people walking around with the syringes, people screaming at you on the stairs, and our effing tour guide who "couldn't find the light."  Yeah, awesome.

Pretty much almost jumped on Ryan and dove under Jess' jacket.  Hahahahaha.
Haunted things and I do not get along.

Like our dorm.  Which is apparently haunted.  Everyone's computer has experienced technical difficulties since we've moved in. 

Ahhhhhh. Zombies and poltergeists and ghosts n' shit!

Speaking of which, have I ever explained the whole "n'shit" business?
So, when Ryan first attended UVM Orientation, his Orientation Leader (OL) and him went to a party they were having for the first years.  Single Ladies came on, and she said, "Lookitchu DANCIN' n' shit!" 
Henceforth, the "n'shit" has stuck, and is really catchy.  Hahaha.  It is a bad habit to get into, buuuuut whatcha gunna do...n'shit?

Enough with the swearing: anaaand onto: sleeping habits!
The past few nights I have not been able to sleep well at all.  Tossing and turning has become a regularity, and I can't tell if I'm sick or not because all the thermometers in Feeley are on the fritz.  Stupid poltergeist...

Well, I feel this is sufficient for my endeavors to date.

I'm going to get comfy, and try to maybe get some sleep!!!

Love you all!


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