Hey, ya'll. Sorry I've disappeared. I've been frustrated and haven't really been able to re-inspire myself to get back to our topic at hand-so here's something to pass the time meanwhile.
LettersIllNeverSend.com is my new crack for this year (as well as Netflix, but we'll get to that in a bit.) This site allows you to go in and post an anonymous letter to this blog that others are able to read. You can vent, profess your love for someone because you're too afraid to do so in person, share something funny, something life-altering, or offer guidance and support for those who seem down in the dumps. I love catching up on what other people have been doing, are up to, or are going through. It reconnects me with all of humanity, and with those basic, innate feelings that come with being human. As I read each story I am able to let it all sink in, remember times I've gone through similar situations, remember those events that are still unsettled in my life, and know that no matter what I'm going through in life-there's always someone else in the exact same position.
LINS has been a partial life boat for me this semester as I realize I'm growing up and that who I am is not the same as who I was. Life is different now-welcome to the adult world! Some things have lost their appeal to me, other new things have been unveiled to me, and essentially life as I once knew it has ended. Life as I know it is scary and unsettled. This is weird to think about, but sometimes I wonder if I can feel and notice the times my brain is being re-wired to deal with adult life (i.e.-right now, this weird phase in my life.) As teenagers move into adulthood, a lot of the hormones calm down and the raging impulses that we have through high school simmer down and can get put on a low broil. Some of the pathways and synapses that your brain needed to deal with high school can be altered. You might not need to take the fast-track pathway through the brain anymore as this hormone stops being produced. Your analytical skills advance so the conclusions you used to draw in high school may no longer make sense in the adult world.
Essentially this semester so far has really been about me increasing my self-awareness, and what's going on for me in certain times and at certain places. I was somehow able to fight off a cold in the span of a week (I think it's all the Vitamin C I threw into my body,) by recognizing when I thought I was coming down with something and having the ability to spend money on medicine to prevent/treat any germs that were affecting me. Knowing that I'm also still really in a weird place in my life and that things are changing, I've been reminding myself to try to be patient with others when I find myself getting annoyed or angry (same also with PMS symptoms.) How is that working out for me? Well, I'm still alive. And I still have all of my friendships intact. So-all in all, I think it's working out pretty well.
As far as Netflix goes, (ooh I'm salivating just thinking about it!!!!) IT IS A GODSEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All those movies and TV shows I've always wanted to watch/catch up on-I now have all of that at my fingertips. Right now I have ~264 movies in my queue. Yeah.....that's bad I know. I LOOOOVE watching movies and TV shows. Actually, when I find something I like I tend to get a little obsessive about it. Which is probably really unhealthy, but I can't say that I don't like it. :) For $8.99/month I have access to SO many movies. It's like a miracle in a website. Seriously!
Okay, well to wrap up. I'm still alive. Things are going pretty good. I'm sleeping about 6 hrs/night but for the most part-I'm hanging in there. Visit LINS and tell me what you think!
-Megan XXOO
<333333333333 I love you. Stay strong sweeetie. :)