Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Project Down

Last night at 11:30 I finished my Secular and the Sacred paper at UVM's Bailey-Howe with Ryan.  (Mmmm...Ryan.)  Velvet joined us for the last hour and a half or so.  This monstrous 8 page paper on the symbolism of women in Tarot is now complete.  I don't know if I acutally did the assignment and gave my professor what he was asking for, BUT, I have a strong paper...if that helps?  Also, I dropped down to four sources (INCLUDING the interview I held with my group of Naomi the Tarot reader.)  So, not sure how that will affect my grade.  Anyway, at least it's done.

Now....only four more papers/projects to go.  If I survive this week, I will once again consider myself Superwoman.  Actually, I think I earn the title 'Superwoman' permanently after surviving this semester.  HOLY CRAP.  Good thing it's almost over.  I think I should check with my mother and convince her to buy me an hour at the spa at the end of every semester just to try to calm myself down after all this hype.  Sheesh!

I feel bad for Ashley, though.  She was in the same boat as I was, except her paper was 15 pages.  Granted, because both of us are in the same class (grade-level-wise,) and because both of these papers are for COR, (we don't necessarily like COR classes all the time-can you tell?) the paper she did I have to do for Capitalism and Democracy for next week, and the paper I did she will have to do for her Secular and the Sacred class.  Both of our papers are due today at 2, so I am hoping hers is almost done. Hang in there, sweetie!

Well, unfortunately I can't spend long on here, but I did want everyone to know that I am still alive.  I'm flailing around a little bit, but I'm still here.

Much love you you all!

1 comment:

  1. I love you hun! Thank God u got that done :) (mmmm...me...) hahahaha <3
