Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm a Junior

Well, all my exams are complete.  I have a 6.5 hr workshift tomorrow at Career Services, and I am done my sophomore year of college.  I had my 2 COR exams on Tuesday, and my Methods exam on Wednesday.  I didn't have a final exam slot for my internship or the seminar that accompanied the internship.  For this, I had my final site visit from my field liason to my internship placement, and we just kind of did a wrap up of how things went, what I got out of it (which was difficult for me) and how we think it worked overall.  It was nice!

I have my last full day in Burlington tomorrow, but most of it will be spent working.  Unfortunately, that is all the glory that is WORK-STUDY!!!!  You are required to make up your specified number of hours per week, so this is how I plan to do it.
Ryan has decided that he is not letting me go home on Saturday.  I agree with him.  I think my mom and gram may have something else to say about that though.  :(  I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME FOR THE SUMMER!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  However, going through all of this will make next semester sooooo kick-a$$. 

Move in day for Ryan and I is going to be FABULOUS!!!!!  We're each going to have designated drawers for one another at each other's dorms, and basically we're spending every single day together.  <3  I like that boy!


Anywho, just thought I'd post.  I'll probably come up with a more sentimental post tomorrow or Saturday once I'm *gulp* home....  :'(


Much love and despair,

<3 Megan <3

1 comment:

  1. I like that girl! <3 :) UR TOES A JUNIOR!!! WHOOT!!!!!! hahahaha i'm so happy for you and I can't wait for next semester cuz this summer is gonna be some $hit and I don't wanna go through with it. We'll have to see what happens, but I'm sure there will be crying on Saturday :'(
