Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm a Junior

Well, all my exams are complete.  I have a 6.5 hr workshift tomorrow at Career Services, and I am done my sophomore year of college.  I had my 2 COR exams on Tuesday, and my Methods exam on Wednesday.  I didn't have a final exam slot for my internship or the seminar that accompanied the internship.  For this, I had my final site visit from my field liason to my internship placement, and we just kind of did a wrap up of how things went, what I got out of it (which was difficult for me) and how we think it worked overall.  It was nice!

I have my last full day in Burlington tomorrow, but most of it will be spent working.  Unfortunately, that is all the glory that is WORK-STUDY!!!!  You are required to make up your specified number of hours per week, so this is how I plan to do it.
Ryan has decided that he is not letting me go home on Saturday.  I agree with him.  I think my mom and gram may have something else to say about that though.  :(  I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME FOR THE SUMMER!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  However, going through all of this will make next semester sooooo kick-a$$. 

Move in day for Ryan and I is going to be FABULOUS!!!!!  We're each going to have designated drawers for one another at each other's dorms, and basically we're spending every single day together.  <3  I like that boy!


Anywho, just thought I'd post.  I'll probably come up with a more sentimental post tomorrow or Saturday once I'm *gulp* home....  :'(


Much love and despair,

<3 Megan <3

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This morning I woke up, got my stuff from Ryan's dorm, and walked outside.  What was the weather like?  Sunny? Warm? Nope.  IT'S SNOWING.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!
I actually LIKE spring, thankyouverymuch.  Hmmph.

Anyway, 2 of my 3 finals are now over with.  My last is tomorrow at 1pm with Fred.  This is the last time I will have Fred as a professor in Social Work.  This makes me sad, but it was a good time.  I learned a TON from him, and his experiences as a social worker have been amazing.  <3  I already know I'm going to kick butt on his exam, so I basically consider my semester to be done.

The only other commitment/responsibility I have this semester is work.  I am in Career Services tomorrow from 8:30-12, and Friday from 10:30-5.  Long shift on Friday, but it will all be worth it.  I <3 $$$. :)

The end of the semester is finally coming to a close, and am I ecstatic.  I am going to miss all my lovely crew members, but we will come back FULL FORCE in the fall, no questions asked.  I hope our third roommate isn't terrified....oh well.

Until then!


P.S. Pictures are probably soon to come after Friday's festivities. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Post #71

Hello, everyone!

This is my 71st blog post!  Wow, time flies, huh?   Well, in case you were interested, here is what's been up with me lately:

1) I am sunburnt.  I was a lobster 2 days ago.  Now it just stings a little.  It's healing, but I wish the annoying burnt-stinging sensation would stop.  It is almost over, but I'm waiting for the comfortable tan stage to get here.

2) I am relaxed!!!!  These past 2 days have been amazing with having nothing to do or worry about.  I have my 2 COR exams tomorrow (one is a movie, one is a 4 min oral presentation,) and my last exam Wednesday.  SOOOO ready to be done COR this semester. OMG!!!

3) I am excited!  Thursday we're all going B-town clubbing for the last time until the fall.  Kind of depressing, but that means when we all come back together it is going to mean yet another fabulous trip back downtown.  Haha!

4) I am proud (of myself, and of everyone else.)  I'm proud of myself for sneaking around Ryan the past few days.  I suprised him by coming to the Red Eye Festival performance last night-FLOWERS INCLUDED!!!  As a substitute for a vase, we are using my birthday Rainforest Cafe cup.  :)

I'm proud of everyone else for finishing up their semester in such an awesome way.  Ashley is still struggling a little bit, but she's almost there too.

5) I am nervous.  Mostly about going home for the semester and leaving everyone.  I may have to hire 3 people to follow me around all day back in Lyndonville because I'm so used to not being an "only child" anymore.  I have rarely had...wait, scratch that.  I haven't had a day entirely to myself this entire semester.  I've always had someone with me at some point during the day.  This is good in a way, but also mind-blowing to me--the person who usually needs time alone (much like Ashley.) 

This semester has been good experience-wise, but I think next semester will be fabulous.  I get to live in a castle for at least 2 nights out of the week with Ryan, and really just enjoy myself.  Granted, I will be taking 6 classes which will probably suck, but at least there won't be 3 jobs involved.  Just one, maybe 2 if need be.


Life is good!!

<3 Megan <3

Friday, April 23, 2010

It's All Coasting From Here on Out

So, I realized that I never did post about my EHS Honors Dinner.  Other than almost getting run over after the event (Nadia'd-for those of you who watch LOST,) it was really uneventful.  We sat down at our dinner tables with some water and/or lemonade:


After everyone had gone through the buffet line, we had our nice meal.  After the meal, the award-presenting commenced.  I was more toward the end of the program, but it was still very nice.  Ann (Fred's wife) walked me up by holding my hand, and presented me to the audience:

Ann and Fred are both my professors for the Social Work Program, so it was really fabulous to have everyone there!  Also, the lady in the blue shirt in that last picture is Tawnya, she is another SWK faculty member who will essentially be taking Fred's place when he retires in another year.  Nobody can truly replace Fred, but Tawnya is going to do her best!


On to other activities, TODAY IS MY LAST DAY OF CLASS!!!!  YESTERDAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF COR!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!  Yes, I am very pumped.  This has been a long time coming.  Yesterday was ALSO the last day of my internship for the semester, so things are FINALLY wrapping up.

I just want to say that I couldn't have done this without the unwavering support of Ryan, Ashley, Velvet, and my family.  You guys truly are the best there is, and I want to thank you all for putting up with my stressful, crazy antics whenever things went to crap for me this semester.  If I had like, $500 to give each of you, I'd toes do that.  :) 
(But I don't, so forget it.)  Haha <3

In terms of stress relief....yeah, well, here, let me show you.

Mmmm hmmm.  That's what we do with our life. 

So, all in all, I think I can breathe again.  I'm scared to go home this summer and to see what is going to happen when I have nobody to hang out with.  I don't want to spend my entire summer at work and/or locked away in my room.  I want to get outside, go be active, and do something with my life.  I want to explore some nautre trails, but unfortunately you need someone with you when you go do that.  Sooo...I don't know. 

I do plan on trying to organize a big party at Willoughby by picking a day in mid-July or so, and seeing if we can just get a MASS of people to show up on the same day just to hang out, and enjoy the gorgeous weather.  I'm really looking forward to that, so hopefully that will happen!

I'm also nervous about when I go home that I will have nothing to write about the entire summer other than posts like, "My life sucks.  I work.  I eat.  I sleep.  The end."  I want to write some witty, funny things that keep you all entertained!  Other than Ryan creating a summer reading list and a lesson plan for me to follow this summer, I'm really afraid of just wasting away with nothing to do.  I love hanging out with my family, but after so many days of work to family to work to family, you kind of need something else.  (No offense to all of you at home! I love you, but I need people my own age, too.)  :) <3 

My CCV course will help keep me occupied with some stuff though, so that's good.  I wish I could find more nature spots to go and just sit and get away from the computer without being eaten alive by mosquitos, or being afraid of getting myself lost by going too deeply into the woods.  I'm thinking of maybe spending some time at N. beach out at Willoughby, but we'll see.  I think I'm going to be stuck with paying for gas money to get to classes and back this summer as well, so I need to be aware of what my travel habits are like.

Another topic I'm thinking about lately is boys.  I feel as though I'm ready to move on.  Now that Luke and I have had some space from one another, I don't see myself as a "part" of him anymore.  He is his own person and I am too, and I realize that I don't feel bound to him any longer.  It's really fabulous, really.  I don't mean that in the sense that I am bashing him in any way, but I'm realizing that I think I've been ready to move on probably for about a year now, so I'm glad it has finally happened.  I feel like a much stronger person.  I don't feel guilty about going out with my friends at night when I "should" be home on the computer talking to him.  I actually want to go out and be active with people now.  If you had talked to me about a year ago, I would probably have turned down plans to go out simply because I would miss a night talking to my boyfriend.  Yeah, kind of shitty right?  Well, I have moved on and I want to start looking again.

I realized that I often have trouble just getting to meet people.  So I was thinking of making a profile through Seven Days and posting to see if anybody may be interested.  Seven Days is a very public/weekly publication for the Burlington area, so if I find that I haven't had luck flirting this summer, perhaps I will post something for next semester.  I really do like being single, but I also miss the intimate part of being in a relationship.  And by that I don't mean just missing sex, but I just miss being held.  I miss feeling safe and warm and loved in someone's arms.  I mean, I can certainly live without that if I have to, but I would prefer not to.  Basically, Megan is on the prowl again.  If you or someone you know is interested in dating her, please tell her or forward her their contact information!  I feel as though I may have some free time to pencil them in this summer. ;)  Hahahaha. <3

Until next time!

<3 Megan <3

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Welcome back, everyone!

These past few days have been interesting!  I'm begrudgingly working through my 12 page paper.  I'm currently on the bottom of page three, but I am complaining all the way.  I can't wait until Thursday when I'll basically be done college for this semester.  I'll have a few oral presentations, but those won't be as big a deal as this paper is.

I have spent the last hour spilling a lot of pent up emotions into a word document on my computer.  I didn't realize I had that much going through my head about a few different subjects until I started writing.  I wasn't sure what was going to come, but my emotional spewage is now out there, and I feel better.  Unfortunately, that's about as far as it's going to go until some sort of catalyst happens, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Ryan and I have been planning our schedules for next semester.  We've come to the realization that we have trouble sleeping without each other now, so Mondays and Wednesdays I'll be staying with him in his CASTLE of a dorm next year, and he'll be staying with us at 308 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  As for the weekend...anything goes. :)  Meggy and RyRy need to live together! :)  Haha.  Yes, it's pretty fabulous.  Oh, and did I mention we're sharing closet space and drawers in our bureaus?  Yeah, that's happening. :)  And basically, life is going to be great.  :D 

So, my plans until Thursday?  Hang in there!  Get this 12 page paper done, and try not to freak out too much.  :) 

Hope everyone else is staying safe and well-rested.  Much love you you all!

<3 Megan

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Classes, Housing, and Chargers, OH BOY!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my blog.  :)  This week has been an intensive, exhasuting one, and I can't wait for things to finally be wrapping up.

I had my last seminar class this morning.  I also found out that I don't have to attend the final exam slot set out for seminar because our final evaluation takes place at our final site visits by our field liasons.  Whooo, yeah!!! That means that one class is fully wrapped up.

As for other stuff, I have only 1 remaining 12 PAGE PAPER left to write, and then my stress for this semester will be over.

Housing selection went really well!  Ashley and I are going to be in our same room again next year here in 308.  We don't know if we have a 3rd roommate yet, or who she might be, but we are hoping she will be nice!  The girls who will be living in the double with us next year were kind of stalking us outside the building, looking for a way in to see what the dorm looks like.  The fact that they were stalking us already demonstrates that they are going to fit in perfectly with us.  This is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship!  Ryan lucked out in being able to live in a CASTLE next year.  Granted, it's on the 5th FLOOR, but at least he has his single.  He's happy. :)  (And half of his dresser/closet are going to me, soo....) yeah...

I have all the classes I want for next semester!  Here's what I'm taking: East Meets West (one of my COR classes about E & W Medicine, Chinese Journeys, Social Injustice in a Diverse Society, Social Welfare, Statistics, and Research Methods I.  Whooot! 

Basically, next semester is going to be AWESOME.  Hopefully I am awarded work-study, and hopefully I am able to pay my bills with just the one job...but we'll see.  :)  I can't wait to start fresh with all of my favorite people. 

In terms of my computer charger, my new one came in today!  Whoooo!!!!  I was able to bring Daphne's back to her, and now things are back to normal and as they should be.

The return of GLEE was fabulous on Tuesday, and I can't wait to see what sort of drama unfolds for this next installment. :D  Very exciting stuff!

Ok, well it is 2:40 am on Saturday morning, I suppose I should get on with my life.

Te amo everyone!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Source of All Last Night's Problems

The wires on my old one are sticking out, and last night, my AC adapter for my laptop stopped working.  I have a 12 pger due next Thursday.

That thing right there cost me $80.  (Granted, I did expedite the shipping to have it be shipped in 2 business days, but still.)  I didn't have the time to check to see if it was under warranty or not, and by the time they processed it I would have been out of school. 


65-Watt, 2-pronged device, I loathe your untimely demise.

Love as always,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Project Down

Last night at 11:30 I finished my Secular and the Sacred paper at UVM's Bailey-Howe with Ryan.  (Mmmm...Ryan.)  Velvet joined us for the last hour and a half or so.  This monstrous 8 page paper on the symbolism of women in Tarot is now complete.  I don't know if I acutally did the assignment and gave my professor what he was asking for, BUT, I have a strong paper...if that helps?  Also, I dropped down to four sources (INCLUDING the interview I held with my group of Naomi the Tarot reader.)  So, not sure how that will affect my grade.  Anyway, at least it's done.

Now....only four more papers/projects to go.  If I survive this week, I will once again consider myself Superwoman.  Actually, I think I earn the title 'Superwoman' permanently after surviving this semester.  HOLY CRAP.  Good thing it's almost over.  I think I should check with my mother and convince her to buy me an hour at the spa at the end of every semester just to try to calm myself down after all this hype.  Sheesh!

I feel bad for Ashley, though.  She was in the same boat as I was, except her paper was 15 pages.  Granted, because both of us are in the same class (grade-level-wise,) and because both of these papers are for COR, (we don't necessarily like COR classes all the time-can you tell?) the paper she did I have to do for Capitalism and Democracy for next week, and the paper I did she will have to do for her Secular and the Sacred class.  Both of our papers are due today at 2, so I am hoping hers is almost done. Hang in there, sweetie!

Well, unfortunately I can't spend long on here, but I did want everyone to know that I am still alive.  I'm flailing around a little bit, but I'm still here.

Much love you you all!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bloggable Moments

This weekend has been CRAZY....and it isn't over yet!  Starting Friday night, I had a PA Appreciation Dinner from 6-8.  Meg (from Career Services!) came with me to support Chelsea and I for all of our hard work in evaluating resumes and such.  Awww. <3 (We love Meg.)  Anywho, I was only planning on going and staying until about 7 because I wanted to be with my 308 girls (and Ryan!) and kick off the weekend on a good note. 

Well, slight change of plans.  The dinner was one of those that was a paced 3-course meal plus dessert, with different speakers from our group standing up to appreciate us, an all-inclusive slideshow, and superlatives. Yes, we're just THAT cool....we got superlatives.  I was choosen for "Sweetest PA" which is really cute.  :)

After being able to escape at 8, I got back to the dorm.  Previously during the day, there had been some discussion about Velvet wanting to go to the hospital per her mom's orders, so Meg had offered us a ride if need be.  I never got a response as to whether or not the ride was actually needed, so after having received a post on FaceBook that she may want to forego the trip, I thanked Meg but told her the ride probably wouldn't be necessary.  Once back at the dorm, 308 hung out for a few hours, and by 10pm guess what happened?  Yup, Velvet decided she wanted to go to the hospital.  SO, we walked up to Fletcher Allen Hospital at 10:30 pm, and had a grand old time.  Velvet was able to go back as soon as we got in the door essentially, and so Ashley, Ryan and I moved on into the waiting room until Velvet got out.  In the meantime, a "felon" was walked into the hospital and admitted to the Triage.  (We don't actually know what he did wrong, but this was the name Ryan dubbed him with.)  Felon was in cuffs accompanied by a Po-po man, and once admitted to the Triage, we were able to see what happened (unfortunately.)  Fortuantely for me though, I went to the bathroom as this next part unfolded.  Mr. Felon man got an IV stuck in him (which was able to be viewed by everybody in the waiting room because the Triage has  So Ryan and Ashley watched this drama unfold.

***NOTE-If you are eating, please finish before going on to read this next paragraph.***

In between watching Ashley and Ryan hold an EPIC game of UNO in Ryan's lap, another poor soul found its way to Fletcher Allen.  This guy was coughing up lung-fulls of phlegm/blood.  Unforunatley, because it was "after hours", only one of the Triage rooms was open...the one Mr. Felon man was occupying.  So basically while this guy was dying in the waiting room, Mr. Felon man was taking his time.  And to top it all off, when he got out of the Triage room to let the other guy in, Mr. Felon man was smiling and thinking this was all a grand old time.  Yeah....awesome.

FINALLY Velvet gets about about 1.5 hrs after we originally got there, and after basically only telling her what she already knew (except for clarifiying that it isn't a sprain, simply really inflamed for whatever reason,) we were able to go back for the evening.

Yesterday we spent time on homework/papers/final project-papers.  Not fun.  My 8 pager due Tuesday isn't even started yet because I'm still sifting through all my sources for information.  *Sigh*  After spending until about 3:30-4 on this, I was finished with a UVM book so I went with Ryan to go return it and to go grab supper.  Afterwards, we decided to go on a walk.  We discovered where the Intervale is located, and found some pretty epic hills that we didn't know existed.  All in all, it was a good time!

Today I'm planning on finishing up sifting through all my sources, and then getting a few good pages done by 5 pm at the latest tonight.  I REALLY want to get this paper on the roll, but it's hard because its for a professor who prides himself on being a hardass (his words, not mine.)  SO, this paper may or may not be the end of me.  I guess either way it works out.  For the rest of this semester, I have a study guide to complete for Fred, a project to complete for Fred, a 12 page paper for my Constituation Project, 2 oral presentations, a Written Process Recording to complete for Seminar, work on a Final Evaltuation for Seminar/my internship, 3 Music Makers concerts, Housing Selection Night, and a final Champlain Loses It Finale Party.  So, if the Ethnographic paper kills me, guess I won't have to worry about the rest of that! :)  Hahaha That's morbid... 

Ok blogosphere, just wanted to let you know I was still alive.  I'll post a picture and sign off for another week or two depending on how well I can survive the next 3 weeks.  Much love to you all!!!
