Monday, November 2, 2009

This Weekend...was Awesome.

Where do I start in telling you about this weekend????  My goodness!  Well, first off, I took Ashley home with me for Friday night.  We ended up driving around St. J, Lyndonville, stopping @ P-chops for food & a Redbox movie, going to Cumby's for more food, and staying up till 3-3:30 am reading all the magazines that had come in the mail for me as well as trying to watch The Shortcut. 

We had planned to go to the big St. J/LI Football Game (the 105th one mind you), and actually that didn't happen.  But LI won 14-0!!!!!  Kind of a little bit of domination there. :) 

Then, after scrambling back to Burlington, we got ready for HALLOWEEN.  What a blast!  After Ryan and I put on all our makeup, we made a pretty kick-ass Sweeney Todd and Ms. Lovett.

Why is Ryan's hair SO not awesome?  :)  Love it!  We had fun trying to get Joe's hair to do the same thing essentially.  Good times. :)

So, after our failed attempt at Trick-or-Treating (no one wants to give candy to college students....what's with that?)  we dropped everything back off at the dorm.  We are people just like anyone else, are we not?  We deserve a night to get candy that we don't have to pay for seeing as how we're more broke than you most of the time.  Psh. Whatev.

Anywho, after that, we decided to go walk around Church St. & City Park to take pictures.

And then other than the drunk people asking "Where the F#@! is my F*$R&#g Pirate Cup?" and Ashley totally dominating one conversation with random people, it was pretty uneventful.

We ended up walking to Winooski, and decided to walk down under the bridge.

Yes, it was a good time.  After all this, we walked back to Ryan & Joe's dorm (after me sprinting for about 3 minutes straight because Joe somehow walked really fast and got really far ahead of us without realizing it,) we took a pee-break, and came back to my dorm for the night. 

We ordered Wings, I stared and couldn't breathe after eating, then we went to bed

I LOVE my friends so much!  In conclusion, this weekend was AWESOME.  One of the best I've had I think!  It was my first spent with Ryan, my first spent "out on the town" with friends, not being followed around my family.  Pretty exciting stuff!

Lots of Love,

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