Thursday, December 9, 2010

Resident Assistant

Oh yeah, get ready.  This girl right here?  The newest RA at Champlain College!!!!

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!  I'll be responsible for residents living at "The Q".  Curious about some of the perks?  $1,000 stipend over the course of the semester, free "room" (not "board" which includes the meal plan,) my own bathroom (with a tub!) and a chance to make some new and excellent friends!!!

Seriously, it's going to be a wonderful and fantastic time.  Can't wait to move in!

Keep you posted as more info is revealed!

Until next time,
XXOO Megan <3


  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! I'm so excited and proud of you! :D omg we're going to have so much fun with the tub. hahahahahaha that's excellent. we need to buy bath salts and bubbles :) Love you!!!
