Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hi, everyone!

Yesterday was Saturday night.  Guess what I did?  NO! NOT that, you pervs!  Actually, I stayed in with some of my best friends in the world--Velvet and Ashley, and did all of my homework.  Anyone care to know my reasoning for doing something so DISPICABLE on a SATURDAY night? (Hint: The title of this post may provide a clue.)

That's right! RYAN COMES BACK TODAY!  My other half!  My bestie!  My mirror!  :)  Actually, I only have like 2 more pages of a study guide to complete for homework which I'm going to finish right after this post, but I have a few hours since Ryan is supposed to be leaving L-ville between 11-12 this afternoon.  3 hours or less and I will be reunited with some of my CLOSEST of family (other than my Mom and Grandparents of course.) 

Just wanted to share my excitement!

As for the rest of my life, I have been extremely exhausted this past week due to all the drama after my 9-5 workdays.  BUT, I'm getting there.  I'm actually really enjoying this 1 month break.  I am still giving myself the entire month to make sure that this is how I'm truly feeling, but deep down I think I am making the right decision.  When you get to a point in a relationship where you are trying to make up excuses to not talk to your partner in the evenings, you know something is wrong.  (Specifically in regards to spring break--I actually watched 5 seasons of LOST.  This wasn't just "making up excuses", but it helped give me some space!)  Anyway, regardless, I believe I am making the right decision.  Everyone I have talked to in Burly World has supported my decision and are telling me that I seem happier, bounicer, and less burdened even just since Wednesday.  That's a sign that this is good for me, and that it is time to move on.  I feel good.  I feel bad that I'm hurting Luke, but that's about the extent of it.  I love him...I'm just not in love with him.  That's where the line is between friend and intimate relationship.  I'm SO glad I've figured things out for myself.  So here's to a BIG SHOUTOUT to (mostly Ashley and Velvet) who have had to put up with my day-to-day questioning of myself.  And another BIG SHOUTOUT to everybody else that has been involved in the process: to Ryan for providing tons of support whenever I needed him this week, to my mom and grandparents for seeing where things were going a few years earlier in the process than I did, more props to my mom for being AWESOME and having figured all this out for herself once before in her life, and to Meg--my super amazing ex-boss who is one of my main go-to adults on campus!!!!!!

Whew!  Now that all of that is out, I am going to go finish my last 2 pages of homework!  I love everybody, and I can't wait to SEE RYAN THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!

(Will let you know how it all goes soon.)



  1. YAY! I'm back!!! WHOOT! I'm so happy and proud of you :) <333333333 as Ashley said hahaha
