Okay, so here is my shameless solicitation for the year. I attended a program today that really moved me and broadened my horizons in my empathy and willingness to do something good for others. So, here's what I'm asking of you.
Step 1) Click here: http://ic.stayclassy.org/member/ic-fundraising?fcid=44520
Step 2) Watch the video.
Step 3) Donate $2-$3 or as much as you can to help stop the LRA war happening in the Sudan/Congo/Uganda areas. Child soldiers are a huge problem, and this war is essentially guerrilla warfare. Many people's lives and families are being destroyed by the LRA. This donation goes 100% to help the victims of the war, to rehabilitate former child soldiers, and eventually reintegrate them into society and return them to their families. The Invisible Children organization is doing an amazing thing, and I'm so excited to be a part of it. Please donate what you can-my goal is only $50, so a little pocket change goes a long way.
Step 4) Do some research on the LRA-see who they are and what they've done, and feel great about making a positive change in the world.
I am taking a vow of silence on April 25th for 25 hours to recognize this 25 year-long war.
Let's make 2011 the year it stops. Let's let this year be the year that positive change begins to happen on a global scale. Let's make just one more region of the world a safer and better place to live. Let's make this change together.
Please help me reach my goal. I have raised $23 so far, and I'd like to keep it going. I'm going to keep hitting people up for money until the actual day of silence, so don't think I'm just giving up if you say you don't have money right now. Please do something amazing with your leftover change!