So, with my laptop finally back in my possession, life is good again. As of Friday I will be totally ALL caught up on my homework, and I'll be in a good place.
Speaking of Friday, our beloved Eden is coming from 4 hours away at PSU to stay here in Burlington with Ryan and I for the weekend! This is the first time she'll have been able to see the UVM/Champlain campuses (campii?) from the Meg Ryan point of view. It is going to be spectacular. :)
In other news, I've been very gluttonous the past few days. It sucks. I need to kick it up a notch. I was treated by Res Life to an amazing dinner at the Olive Garden last night, and I ate soooo much. And Ryan got me a bag of Lindor Milk Chocolate truffles....which are mostly gone. So...needless to say...I should maybe do some crunches tonight?! I need to lose this weight!!! Even if I have to find a way to shake and shimmy every night for an hour or so!
Another factoid of my life: I may or may not be able to get a car over Spring Break. So, here's the deal. My 21st birthday falls on Spring Break from college. This year (along with receiving the legal right to drink alcohol,) my mother was planning to get me my first car EVER!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! BUT-this is all dependant on when she gets her Federal Tax Refund back. She sent her forms out about 2 weeks ago, and they JUST got there the day before last. Um...what? Post office fail or federal government fail? Maybe both. They're the same thing, really.'s my deal. I thought I would finally have the chance to feel like I'm on equal footing (or tires?) with everyone else my age. I've been driving my mothers car since I was 15. It's really hard to hear other kids saying "Oh, let's just take my car" as if it's no big deal for 6 years. It gets old after a while. It shouldn't be such a touchy subject, but for those who don't have something that everyone else takes for's frustrating.
Having a car is something that Vermont kids (especially) place a lot of value on. Having your first car means you can finally have freedom. Because it takes at LEAST a 15 minute drive to get anywhere worthwhile in VT, if you don't have a car, you're pretty much stuck. I'm so sick of having to depend on other people's schedules and moods to determine whether or not I get to go somewhere. I've dealt with it for 21 years of my life, the past 6 of which have felt extremely long. I want to be a normal person with a car! I would like to not have to depend on stupid bus schedules or mooch off friends for rides to the grocery store! I would like to not have to barter with my mother during my breaks from school about if she has to work tomorrow, and if I can borrow her car.
Long story short...this has been a long time coming. I feel like a donkey with a carrot being dangled in my face. The federal government better get their $H!T together and hurry up with my mother's refund so I can stop feeling like an inadequate college student. Please and thank you.
(One vehicle my mom told me about was for sale in W. Rutland or somesuchplace. It's a black Saturn Vue. My mom currently has a blue one, but black works for me too! We're looking into getting a standard because I have so much fun driving a stick shift. Here's what one will potentially look like:)
Cute, right? :)
I'm going to do my best to be patient. I mean, even if I don't get the vehicle (which I really hope I do...otherwise some other plans of mine might be a little screwed...) I can still do this: mother has plans to get me drunk. It's been a plan in motion since I was 9. :)
SO-I hope this catches you up to where I'm at in life. I have missed Blogger! It feels good to write this out of my system. <3
Until next time...
May the road rise to meet you (but not too quickly...)