I'm so cool I'm making a blog post about LABELS.
Seriously though-my blog needed some cleaning up. I knew what labels were used for, but I didn't know how to use them effectively. I'd use them to highlight the main points within my blogs instead of recurring themes throughout. Perhaps through this process I will discover something new and exciting to blog about, or to find some common theme to string all of these posts together other than the fact that all of my posts thus far are about the meager details of my life which many of you probably don't care much about!
I'll keep thinking and get back to you!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Today is Christmas!!!!
I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, etc. that you have had a fabulous holiday season!
My Christmas was actually quite nice this year. I spent Christmas Eve with Ryan and his family. We knitted, watched movies, had a HUGE meal comprising salmon, steak, and assorted veggies, and went to church to carol and remember what Christmas is really about. Now, I'm not a devoted Christian. I was baptized Catholic as a child, however once my mother and I moved to Lyndonville we stopped attending church and that part of my life sort of closed. I'm a cautious Christian now I suppose. I am picky and choosy about what parts of Christianity I believe in, so I don't feel comfortable calling myself a true Christian. I believe that there is some higher power, and that perhaps there is a sort of destiny for everyone. However, I don't consider this as an excuse to lay back and do nothing with my life. I am still the highly motivated individual I have always been, and always hope to be.
Anyways, moving along. This year my family and I decided to open presents Christmas Eve as we had extended family coming on Christmas day, and it would have probably been a little awkward for them to watch our family hold our Christmas. I believe in a small family Christmas-immediate family and a few close friends whom everyone knows intimately. I feel awkward crashing someone else's Christmas when they are opening presents, and I don't like being put on display for others outside my immediate family and inner circle of friends and having to show and tell each of the gifts I receive. It just feels weird to me. So, we had our own intimate family Christmas and then hosted a few family members today, Christmas Day. It worked out quite nicely!
Here is a list of some of the awesome gifts I received this year from my family (this isn't to brag-I'm just excited about what I've been lucky enough to receive!):
I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, etc. that you have had a fabulous holiday season!
My Christmas was actually quite nice this year. I spent Christmas Eve with Ryan and his family. We knitted, watched movies, had a HUGE meal comprising salmon, steak, and assorted veggies, and went to church to carol and remember what Christmas is really about. Now, I'm not a devoted Christian. I was baptized Catholic as a child, however once my mother and I moved to Lyndonville we stopped attending church and that part of my life sort of closed. I'm a cautious Christian now I suppose. I am picky and choosy about what parts of Christianity I believe in, so I don't feel comfortable calling myself a true Christian. I believe that there is some higher power, and that perhaps there is a sort of destiny for everyone. However, I don't consider this as an excuse to lay back and do nothing with my life. I am still the highly motivated individual I have always been, and always hope to be.
Anyways, moving along. This year my family and I decided to open presents Christmas Eve as we had extended family coming on Christmas day, and it would have probably been a little awkward for them to watch our family hold our Christmas. I believe in a small family Christmas-immediate family and a few close friends whom everyone knows intimately. I feel awkward crashing someone else's Christmas when they are opening presents, and I don't like being put on display for others outside my immediate family and inner circle of friends and having to show and tell each of the gifts I receive. It just feels weird to me. So, we had our own intimate family Christmas and then hosted a few family members today, Christmas Day. It worked out quite nicely!
Here is a list of some of the awesome gifts I received this year from my family (this isn't to brag-I'm just excited about what I've been lucky enough to receive!):
- My own personal Susan (a name Ryan and I have given the voice of the GPS put out by the "For Dummies" company)
- A car radio with a CD player, conversion kit, and CD holder for the car! Space (my car) came without a CD player-just the radio. This way I can make my own mixes again and listen to my own music whenever I want! I just need the money to get to a garage to have a mechanic install everything for me. :D
- A Tazo Tea kit with 2 tea mugs, Zen tea, and Calm tea (all of which I love).
- Clothing from Lane Bryant!
- FUZZY SOCKS! (My fave).
- Earrings from Lane Bryant.
- A necklace and earring set from JCPenny's (I believe).
- Candy dots.
- Hershey's kisses (already eaten).
- A few purses (that I think I am still trying to decide whether I like).
- Twin XL Sheet Set
- A flower-shaped cutting board, lady bug hot plate, and a strainer serving spoon (which is awesome!)
- Bath and Body Works Enchanted Life body spray, body lotion, and body wash.
- Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Butter (I have used this every day since my sophomore year of high school and I looooove it!)
- 2 little Peppermint and Cotton Candy hand sanitizers from Bath and Body Works.
- Gift cards to the Mobil station and Price Chopper (Yay for gas to get back to Burlington and money to buy enough food to hopefully feed me until my refund check comes in!)
- Dermalogica Wash off, Bedtime for Breakouts, and Ready, Set, Scrub! products (which I also love. I have tried them for the first time this past semester and they seem to work really well with my skin! Hooray for gentle ingredients that don't actually do more damage to your skin than good!)
And from Ryan:
- A new pot to cook with since the Teflon was coming off from an old pot I had which necessitated my throwing it away.
- An amazing book he created full of memories between the two of us. :) <3
And from Ashley:
- A pair of earrings from Forever 21.
- A small clutch purse (which I love).
- Yarn to aid me in my knitting endeavors!
Thank you to those of you who have exchanged gifts with me. I love you all. <3 Please go into the New Year safely, warmly, and heartily. Drink and be merry-but also please be safe about it.
Safe and happy expeditions to you all!
<3 Megan
Friday, December 23, 2011
Being Human
Over break I have spent some time watching this British series called Being Human on Netflix. I'm in love! It's a little like a mashup of another British series, Misfits, with a little bit of Buffy thrown in. Mitchell is a vampire, George is a werewolf, and Annie is a ghost. The three find themselves living together due to circumstances of fate. Together they help each other come to terms with what they have become, and inevitably become close friends who stick by each other with each other's respective baggage and sets of personal problems.
Each episode is a straight hour long, but it's worth every minute! Check it out!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Its Been A Really Long Time...
Hello, everyone!
I haven't really posted more than one or two blog posts this past semester. The truth is, I haven't really had much to say! I've been too busy actually enjoying my life and having a great time of it to actually sit down and take the time to share. So, here is an overview of important things that have happened this semester:
I haven't really posted more than one or two blog posts this past semester. The truth is, I haven't really had much to say! I've been too busy actually enjoying my life and having a great time of it to actually sit down and take the time to share. So, here is an overview of important things that have happened this semester:
- Straight As! Whoo hoo!!!
- Internship at The Arbors has been going well! I'll be ready when I get back for next semester to pick up the pace a little and continue making my time there as awesome as possible.
- Making leaps and bounds through the Netflix queue. Since Netflix split up its plan with the price increases, I've been subscribed online to the stream online plan. Once I watch everything I can get through instant streaming, I'll switch to the physical disc mailing plan. My most recent love has been How I Met Your Mother. Words cannot describe...
- Grocery shopping and paying bills worked out awesome with my refund from the school up until the last 3 weeks. I'll need to rethink that for next time.. Haha!
- Ryan and I are still going strong! We sailed through our 5, 6, 7, and 8 month anniversaries. April 5th of 2012 will mark our 1 year as an official couple! YEEAHHHH!!!
- I bought fish! I started off the summer with 5 guppies. One died from the stress of the transfer from the store to my tank. Then there were 4: Cappie (the only one with visible distinguishable marks), and "The Supremes" (the other 3 look-alikes). Unfortunately now we're down to only two of the Supremes left (whom I have now dubbed Killer and Donna). **Note, all my guppies were males--however, you have to admit that Cappie and The Supremes is kind of catchy...** AND the newest addition to the family is a beta named Emmett. He has his own tank and his own life, and I think that makes him happy.
- Space (my car) has thrived and deteriorated and thrived again! We're hanging in the balance at around 160,000 miles. We have winter tires but no snow....and we have oil and antifreeze that remains within the inner workings of the vehicle. Win for all involved.
- Excellent drunken house parties have occurred: the very realistic Prohibition 1920s Speakeasy (where many of the attendees were underage [of course, this is college] so we all hid in the basement to manage the noise levels-good times), the famous Mustache party (yep-you guessed it. Mustache mandatory for attendance), ALL of Halloween weekend (3 parties in 2 days-not bad!), the quietish Christmas party between close Burlington-bound people in my life, and of course the other various nights that involved going to bars or staying in and mixing fun drinks by ourselves!
- Very few stressful nights worrying about homework and how I'm going to manage all of my classwork plus life in general. 4 classes per semester is PERFECT! I'm so glad I put in all my hard times my Freshman/Sophomore years. Senior year is a breeze so far, and I'm loving every second of it! Sure there have been a few downs or hiccups in the general flow of things, but speaking overall, this has really been my best semester at Champlain so far.
- Oh, and I totally taught myself how to knit over Thanksgiving break via YouTube videos. Oh yeah. New life skills FOR THE WIN!
I'm so happy that this year has been going so well. I can't imagine what this year would have been like with a schedule like my Spring semester of Sophomore year. (That was when I broke up with Luke, was managing a 12 hr/wk unpaid internship, working as a Peer Advisor for as many hours/wk as was necessary, as well as working ~10hrs/wk for my mandatory work-study hours so I could have a paycheck). I really wasn't sure I was going to make it that semester. BUT-I did, and I'm stronger for it.
I'm proud of myself for all I have accomplished so far. I work damn hard and I deserve a lot of respect for all I do. What is next on my list is to start applying for grad schools: Boston University, Springfield College, University of Vermont, University of New Hampshire. I'm working on getting all of my required application materials together over this break, and sending them out quite soon once I return to Burlington/Winooski.
Lastly: I have been a busy beaver over break. I got home on Friday evening, and it is now Tuesday. In this time, my mother and I have switched bedrooms. I'm enjoying being home SO much more. I don't feel so depressed and aimless as I thought I would. A big project like this is just what I needed to keep myself busy and motivated. I seriously got rid of about 5 bags of garbage, and donated another 5 or so to the Salvation Army. The reason for this is that my old room was about 1/2 the size of the basement (about 1/4 of the entire house). I moved from this big room to my moms normal-sized bedroom that actually has windows! She moved into the bigger room. Therefore, I needed to really focus on getting rid of a lot of my old stuff so that it would all fit into this new, smaller, more manageable room. I cleaned out everything: stuff from past boyfriends that have been sitting or buried in my room, things I haven't touched or worried about in years, stuff I thought I would definitely need/use but never got around to, and even some stuff I had been emotionally attached to. However, it was time to let it all go, to let it be free. While I may still have another bag or two of trash to take out, I feel great! Cleansed. Like I'm getting rid of everything so that whatever comes after Champlain will have room to take hold and lead me to where I'm supposed to be-without leaving too much behind. So far both my mother and I seem happy with the trade.
Well, this wraps everything up rather nicely from the past 4 months of my life. I feel like I need to find a new purpose for blogging again. I wish I could be as dedicated as other folks in writing a fabulous blog-stuff other people actually care about instead of something that looks like a journal of my life. I will gladly accept any and all blogging ideas and suggestions below. Tell me what you'd most want to hear/learn about! If it is something that lines up well with my interests or knowledge and expertise, I will try to move the blog in that direction--and work on posting more frequently. :)
Auf Wiedersehen!
Social Work,
Time Management,
Friday, September 23, 2011
Waiting For You
Waiting For You
I breathe, I steady myself.
Can’t breathe, can’t for the life of me figure out WHY
Why you haven’t noticed…
Why you haven’t noticed me.
Sitting inches from you, ITCHING
Itching to feel you caress my face
With your big--
Your big, gentle hands that could never hurt anyone,
Except me.
You breathe in. I breathe in.
We exhale together.
So close but still so far…
So far you haven’t noticed.
Haven’t noticed that I…
I am yours.
You breathe in. I breathe in.
Our moment hangs in the balance for you--
For you to notice me.
Until then
I breathe, I steady myself.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
It's About that Time Again
Welcome back to Mental Regurgitation!
This post will bring out my nerd-ness and expose just how much of a geek I am, but that's okay. I'm willing to bear it all. ;)
This post will bring out my nerd-ness and expose just how much of a geek I am, but that's okay. I'm willing to bear it all. ;)
Yesterday I packed up my backpack for the first day of school (Aug. 29th) and made sure I had everything I needed for my first classes. I'm a little worried but also excited for this semester and how it's going to go. Tuesdays are my easy days where I just have 1 class from 11-12:15, so that'll be awesome for grocery shopping and all of that fun magical stuff that needs to happen on a weekly basis (also known as errands). Sleeping in won't be so bad, either. Wednesdays and Saturdays are 8hr packed days of my internship-so hopefully all will be well! I have a very light class schedule, so I'm hoping this semester will be AWESOME and that I can ace every class!
I love the routine of getting ready for a new school year. I love new stationary and notebooks, new pens and pencils, and new FRESH semester schedules. I love the smell of new textbooks and settling into new classrooms with new peers.
Pair all of that with how much FUN fall fashion can be, and we have a pretty great start to a school year inundated with homework, tests, nervousness, stress, and anxiety. Whoo hooo!
Because I am a bigger girl (as most of you know by now,) I'll share one of my favorite places to shop for clothing that fits women like me. For new awesome fall fashions in sizes 14-28, click here.
And on a slightly different note, my mother's birthday fell yesterday. So she came up to Burlington and we decided to go to Ri Ra's for dinner. Here I proceeded to get drunk off of a Long Island Iced Tea and a Watermelon Schnapps. Oh yeah. :]
All in all-this has been a great summer, and I'm totally ready for an excellent school year. Ashley will be moving into the bedroom next to mine very soon (Saturday) and the gang (me, Ryan, Ashley, and Joe) will reconvene once everyone is settled! (We'd love to have Velvet back as well, but she's doing her thing in NY and getting by as best she can. We miss her!)
Friday, August 5, 2011
Welcome to the Life of a Broke College Student!
My family and I are working with Financial Aid and Student Accounts at my college right now, attempting to figure out what we owe them or what they owe is. As I'm sure you can imagine, it is a frustrating process.
So, my entire senior year hangs in balance as I wait to discover whether I will have enough money to handle buying all of my own groceries, or if I have to take a meal plan at the college so that my scholarships, loans and grant money will cover it. And as I'm sure you can imagine, I'm stressed.
I was lucky enough to pay off almost all of my credit card debt today, however I now have to purchase this semester's textbooks and pay for groceries for the next 2 weeks. Lovely.
I really hope things will work out in my favor for this school year. I've got my game face on and I'm ready to work hard and play harder.
Mismatched Cups
You know what's frustrating?
When you have a million mismatched cups and mugs in your kitchen cabinet and things don't fit quite right because of it. But on the other hand, some of those cups have sentimental value, and you couldn't imagine yourself parting with them.
Welcome to college.
As I stood in my kitchen the other day putting dishes away, I had a flash-forward of my life.
My darling Ryan and I were happily en route in our life together: married, no kids yet, and I was still putting dishes away. But we had an actual dish set. Dishes that went together, that matched. No more thrown-together plastic and glass dishware that consisted of my current dishware. (And no more cheapie silverware from Walmart [5 for $1, anyone?]).
I'm really excited and ready to push beyond my mismatched THINGS in college life. I'm ready to have my own place where I can own a complete dish set if I want, where I can host Christmas cocktail parties and serve alcohol because I'm over 21, and where I can really get a snapshot of what the rest of my life is going to look like. (And make some changes if necessary).
As for the mismatched cup era? Well, it was fun. Developing relationships with half plastic/half glass dish sets has been a good time through the hilarity of college. But, I'm ready for something better.
When you have a million mismatched cups and mugs in your kitchen cabinet and things don't fit quite right because of it. But on the other hand, some of those cups have sentimental value, and you couldn't imagine yourself parting with them.
Welcome to college.
As I stood in my kitchen the other day putting dishes away, I had a flash-forward of my life.
My darling Ryan and I were happily en route in our life together: married, no kids yet, and I was still putting dishes away. But we had an actual dish set. Dishes that went together, that matched. No more thrown-together plastic and glass dishware that consisted of my current dishware. (And no more cheapie silverware from Walmart [5 for $1, anyone?]).
I'm really excited and ready to push beyond my mismatched THINGS in college life. I'm ready to have my own place where I can own a complete dish set if I want, where I can host Christmas cocktail parties and serve alcohol because I'm over 21, and where I can really get a snapshot of what the rest of my life is going to look like. (And make some changes if necessary).
As for the mismatched cup era? Well, it was fun. Developing relationships with half plastic/half glass dish sets has been a good time through the hilarity of college. But, I'm ready for something better.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Intern Intern Intern!
The past week or so has been all about the art of Internships. After my first internship prospect for my senior year-long internship at the Lund Family Center fell through, I was a little at a loss for what to do next. Fortunately, Tarn (one of the Social Work faculty at Champlain) contacted me telling me she had a contact at the Arbors at Shelburne and that she thought this woman would be an awesome supervisor for me.
Soooo...I immediately e-mailed Tara (my potential future supervisor at the Arbors,) and asked to set up an interview and a tour. A little background info on the Arbors: it is essentially a retirement home that includes a respite program, as well as an Alzheimer's and dementia population. Last Friday 6/10, I went out for my interview. I was considerably nervous because all interviews can be a little scary. But Tara was very welcoming and accommodating, and we had a great conversation about what I could do to help out at the Arbors (AKA my internship duties). After the successful interview portion, I was taken on a tour through the facility and got to meet some of the other staff and residents. Tara told me she would love to have me on as an intern, and BAM! Internship!
At first I was a little skeptical about working with the elderly because I had had a bad experience volunteering in a nursing home when I was doing volunteer work when I was 14 years old. But, I attempted (and am still attempting) to keep an open mind about this. After the tour I became very excited because it feels like Tara is going to be an awesome supervisor for me, and the community just feels much more inclusive than my first experience working with the elderly. This is going to be such a great opportunity for me. I'm hoping that I find I have a passion for working with the elderly, and that this will prove to be an experience that points me in a career direction I'm meant to work in. (I am currently picturing Pocahontas with John Smith's compass and the arrow in her heart pointing her in the direction she needs to go.)
Not only am I excited about possibly finding a population I'm passionate about working with, but I'm excited about the job security that will come with this particular population. As we all know, the baby boomers are all finally reaching retirement age. Over the next 20 years (at least) there is going to be a great need for people in social services to work with and for the elder population. This means there will be a promising start to my career and a great kickoff to the first 20 years of my professional career. Whoo hoo!
My second bit of news relating to internships is that I have been accepted to be an Intern Queen Campus Ambassador for Champlain College! If you have never been to the Intern Queen, Inc. website, click the giant link at the top of this posting. Lauren Berger started this site to help students get internships. Her website has a special system to help potential interns connect with potential employers. The Campus Ambassadors represent their respective colleges and universities, and help connect the students at these educational institutions to InternQueen.com and ultimately to a future internship!
I am what looks like the first Campus Ambassador for any college/university in the state of Vermont, and consequently, there are very few internships posted for VT. I'm hoping to change that. Also, the population of social services/humanities students and potential employers seems to also be pretty bleak. Again, I hope to work on changing this and to get Vermont more interested and invested in InternQueen.com and Lauren Berger's mission. I think the concept is absolutely great, and I'm honored to represent this company!
All in all, my professional life is looking up again. I have successfully secured an internship for my senior year, and it's will a supervisor who I think will meet all of my needs easily. (I like someone who is approachable and generally accessible in case I have questions or in case an emergency arises.) I hope I will prove to be an awesome addition to the Arbor's team, and that I find I really do have a true passion in working with the elder population.
Everything in good time.
SO-if you're looking for an internship of sorts, please feel free to contact me! I currently have the inside scoop. :)
Friday, May 27, 2011
Been A While/New Phone!
Sorry about the seemingly unrelated topics in the same post. It has been a very long time since I made my last post, so I'm trying to make like a good blogger and actually blog. :P
http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=5355&deviceCategoryId=2 This is the link to the new phone I am about to get. It has landed in Williston, VT, and I am currently waiting for it to get dropped off at the Champlain College mail room so I can pick it up and be on my merry way. I'm SO EXCITED to have a new phone again. Verizon is wonderful about allowing me to upgrade/update my 2 yr contract just about every year, and they allow me to upgrade my phone for free. Which is awesome. Ordering this phone online was also completely free (shipping and handling included!) so I'm pretty excited about this.
For those of you who are wondering how Ryan and I have been doing...we're fantastic. :) Love is in the air, summer is just around the corner (you know, around the VT tornado and flooding,) and life is pretty good.
I'm trying to head home today amidst all the flooding/closed roads/erosion/sinkholes, so I'm taking a half day at work. Also, I'm trying to beat the next bout of storm which should be rolling in this afternoon between 3-5. So, wish me luck!
When I'm home safe I'll try to think of a well-thought-out, themed post. Right now I'm still a little frantic about money woes and how I'm going to get home. (At least if I'm not able to go home, I'll have gone for a nice ride and I'll be able to stay with Ryan for a few more days!)
Things will work out somehow.
Until next time!
http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=5355&deviceCategoryId=2 This is the link to the new phone I am about to get. It has landed in Williston, VT, and I am currently waiting for it to get dropped off at the Champlain College mail room so I can pick it up and be on my merry way. I'm SO EXCITED to have a new phone again. Verizon is wonderful about allowing me to upgrade/update my 2 yr contract just about every year, and they allow me to upgrade my phone for free. Which is awesome. Ordering this phone online was also completely free (shipping and handling included!) so I'm pretty excited about this.
For those of you who are wondering how Ryan and I have been doing...we're fantastic. :) Love is in the air, summer is just around the corner (you know, around the VT tornado and flooding,) and life is pretty good.
I'm trying to head home today amidst all the flooding/closed roads/erosion/sinkholes, so I'm taking a half day at work. Also, I'm trying to beat the next bout of storm which should be rolling in this afternoon between 3-5. So, wish me luck!
When I'm home safe I'll try to think of a well-thought-out, themed post. Right now I'm still a little frantic about money woes and how I'm going to get home. (At least if I'm not able to go home, I'll have gone for a nice ride and I'll be able to stay with Ryan for a few more days!)
Things will work out somehow.
Until next time!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Happier Than I Ever Thought I'd Ever Be
The day before last, I took the biggest risk of my entire life. I laid everything down on the line, threw all my cards on the table, and put myself way, way out there. Literally my entire life, my entire future was at stake, and I sat down to play poker with fate. (Actually I can't play poker, so looking back on it, that might not have been my smartest move ever.)
HOWEVER, everything worked out sooo beautifully in the end. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 2 days, Ryan and I are now officially an item. Oh, yes. Burlington's new power couple. After years of dealing with this in silence, I decided I'd had enough. Now or never. Time to reveal all. And the result was something so much more magical than I could have ever expected.
Tuesday I was a wreck. I gave Ryan the 6 page letter which housed my heart, future, and potentially emotional and mental stability for the next three years at least in the morning before school, and proceeded to act like a crazy person the rest of the day. I'm pretty sure my body thought that I drank 4 cups of straight espresso every 3 hours or something. Heart palpitations were in abundance. I walked down Church St and fit right in with everyone else due to my talking to myself and the random hand gestures that were sure to have accompanied the conversations I had with myself. Oh yeah, SO sane.
In order to give my body a rest I texted Ryan (as if nothing unusual had happened that day) and told him I'd probably be taking a nap right when I got home from work. The nap worked out well, although I had some crazy dreams (not all that unusual for me) which I proceeded to text and inform Ryan of. I got up a half hour before my staff meeting, and decided that I GUESSED I was brave enough to get online and check Facebook and stuff before staff meeting. Waiting for me in my inbox was an e-mail from Ryan, subject "<3".
Okay, so now take my Church St persona and multiply that by 3. It was safe to say I was FREAKIN' OUT! I proceeded to read the sweetest, most vivid and emotional e-mail of my life. I cried. It's now saved forever in the catacombs of my e-mail folders. Needless to say, Ryan said yes, and I found myself saved from total and utter destruction.
I can't even put into words how happy I am. It feels so refreshing to get everything off my chest that I've been holding for 2-3 years now, and to be able to finally recognize my feelings and drag them from the dark into the light. Ryan always has been and always will be my everything. I don't know how I lived before him, and I can't imagine my future without him. I love that I can reach out and touch him now whenever the urge strikes me, and I don't have to just pretend I'm just "WTFing" him or something else of the sort.
I have a boyfriend again! But Ryan not just my boyfried, he's my best friend. I am in the most perfect relationship I think I could have ever asked for, and my life finally feels complete. Thank you to those who helped me through this rough weekend, and who kept me from shattering into a million pieces. This is the understatement of the year, but WHOA, what a week!
HOWEVER, everything worked out sooo beautifully in the end. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 2 days, Ryan and I are now officially an item. Oh, yes. Burlington's new power couple. After years of dealing with this in silence, I decided I'd had enough. Now or never. Time to reveal all. And the result was something so much more magical than I could have ever expected.
Tuesday I was a wreck. I gave Ryan the 6 page letter which housed my heart, future, and potentially emotional and mental stability for the next three years at least in the morning before school, and proceeded to act like a crazy person the rest of the day. I'm pretty sure my body thought that I drank 4 cups of straight espresso every 3 hours or something. Heart palpitations were in abundance. I walked down Church St and fit right in with everyone else due to my talking to myself and the random hand gestures that were sure to have accompanied the conversations I had with myself. Oh yeah, SO sane.
In order to give my body a rest I texted Ryan (as if nothing unusual had happened that day) and told him I'd probably be taking a nap right when I got home from work. The nap worked out well, although I had some crazy dreams (not all that unusual for me) which I proceeded to text and inform Ryan of. I got up a half hour before my staff meeting, and decided that I GUESSED I was brave enough to get online and check Facebook and stuff before staff meeting. Waiting for me in my inbox was an e-mail from Ryan, subject "<3".
Okay, so now take my Church St persona and multiply that by 3. It was safe to say I was FREAKIN' OUT! I proceeded to read the sweetest, most vivid and emotional e-mail of my life. I cried. It's now saved forever in the catacombs of my e-mail folders. Needless to say, Ryan said yes, and I found myself saved from total and utter destruction.
I can't even put into words how happy I am. It feels so refreshing to get everything off my chest that I've been holding for 2-3 years now, and to be able to finally recognize my feelings and drag them from the dark into the light. Ryan always has been and always will be my everything. I don't know how I lived before him, and I can't imagine my future without him. I love that I can reach out and touch him now whenever the urge strikes me, and I don't have to just pretend I'm just "WTFing" him or something else of the sort.
I have a boyfriend again! But Ryan not just my boyfried, he's my best friend. I am in the most perfect relationship I think I could have ever asked for, and my life finally feels complete. Thank you to those who helped me through this rough weekend, and who kept me from shattering into a million pieces. This is the understatement of the year, but WHOA, what a week!
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(This is obviously us. Can't you tell? LMFAO!) |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Invisible Children-Help Me Help The World
Okay, so here is my shameless solicitation for the year. I attended a program today that really moved me and broadened my horizons in my empathy and willingness to do something good for others. So, here's what I'm asking of you.
Step 1) Click here: http://ic.stayclassy.org/member/ic-fundraising?fcid=44520
Step 2) Watch the video.
Step 3) Donate $2-$3 or as much as you can to help stop the LRA war happening in the Sudan/Congo/Uganda areas. Child soldiers are a huge problem, and this war is essentially guerrilla warfare. Many people's lives and families are being destroyed by the LRA. This donation goes 100% to help the victims of the war, to rehabilitate former child soldiers, and eventually reintegrate them into society and return them to their families. The Invisible Children organization is doing an amazing thing, and I'm so excited to be a part of it. Please donate what you can-my goal is only $50, so a little pocket change goes a long way.
Step 4) Do some research on the LRA-see who they are and what they've done, and feel great about making a positive change in the world.
I am taking a vow of silence on April 25th for 25 hours to recognize this 25 year-long war.
Let's make 2011 the year it stops. Let's let this year be the year that positive change begins to happen on a global scale. Let's make just one more region of the world a safer and better place to live. Let's make this change together.
Please help me reach my goal. I have raised $23 so far, and I'd like to keep it going. I'm going to keep hitting people up for money until the actual day of silence, so don't think I'm just giving up if you say you don't have money right now. Please do something amazing with your leftover change!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's Been A While
Hello, everyone!
So, with my laptop finally back in my possession, life is good again. As of Friday I will be totally ALL caught up on my homework, and I'll be in a good place.
Speaking of Friday, our beloved Eden is coming from 4 hours away at PSU to stay here in Burlington with Ryan and I for the weekend! This is the first time she'll have been able to see the UVM/Champlain campuses (campii?) from the Meg Ryan point of view. It is going to be spectacular. :)
In other news, I've been very gluttonous the past few days. It sucks. I need to kick it up a notch. I was treated by Res Life to an amazing dinner at the Olive Garden last night, and I ate soooo much. And Ryan got me a bag of Lindor Milk Chocolate truffles....which are mostly gone. So...needless to say...I should maybe do some crunches tonight?! I need to lose this weight!!! Even if I have to find a way to shake and shimmy every night for an hour or so!
Another factoid of my life: I may or may not be able to get a car over Spring Break. So, here's the deal. My 21st birthday falls on Spring Break from college. This year (along with receiving the legal right to drink alcohol,) my mother was planning to get me my first car EVER!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! BUT-this is all dependant on when she gets her Federal Tax Refund back. She sent her forms out about 2 weeks ago, and they JUST got there the day before last. Um...what? Post office fail or federal government fail? Maybe both. They're the same thing, really.
Soooo...here's my deal. I thought I would finally have the chance to feel like I'm on equal footing (or tires?) with everyone else my age. I've been driving my mothers car since I was 15. It's really hard to hear other kids saying "Oh, let's just take my car" as if it's no big deal for 6 years. It gets old after a while. It shouldn't be such a touchy subject, but for those who don't have something that everyone else takes for granted...it's frustrating.
Having a car is something that Vermont kids (especially) place a lot of value on. Having your first car means you can finally have freedom. Because it takes at LEAST a 15 minute drive to get anywhere worthwhile in VT, if you don't have a car, you're pretty much stuck. I'm so sick of having to depend on other people's schedules and moods to determine whether or not I get to go somewhere. I've dealt with it for 21 years of my life, the past 6 of which have felt extremely long. I want to be a normal person with a car! I would like to not have to depend on stupid bus schedules or mooch off friends for rides to the grocery store! I would like to not have to barter with my mother during my breaks from school about if she has to work tomorrow, and if I can borrow her car.
Long story short...this has been a long time coming. I feel like a donkey with a carrot being dangled in my face. The federal government better get their $H!T together and hurry up with my mother's refund so I can stop feeling like an inadequate college student. Please and thank you.
(One vehicle my mom told me about was for sale in W. Rutland or somesuchplace. It's a black Saturn Vue. My mom currently has a blue one, but black works for me too! We're looking into getting a standard because I have so much fun driving a stick shift. Here's what one will potentially look like:)
Cute, right? :)
I'm going to do my best to be patient. I mean, even if I don't get the vehicle (which I really hope I do...otherwise some other plans of mine might be a little screwed...) I can still do this:
FYI...my mother has plans to get me drunk. It's been a plan in motion since I was 9. :)
SO-I hope this catches you up to where I'm at in life. I have missed Blogger! It feels good to write this out of my system. <3
Until next time...
May the road rise to meet you (but not too quickly...)
So, with my laptop finally back in my possession, life is good again. As of Friday I will be totally ALL caught up on my homework, and I'll be in a good place.
Speaking of Friday, our beloved Eden is coming from 4 hours away at PSU to stay here in Burlington with Ryan and I for the weekend! This is the first time she'll have been able to see the UVM/Champlain campuses (campii?) from the Meg Ryan point of view. It is going to be spectacular. :)
In other news, I've been very gluttonous the past few days. It sucks. I need to kick it up a notch. I was treated by Res Life to an amazing dinner at the Olive Garden last night, and I ate soooo much. And Ryan got me a bag of Lindor Milk Chocolate truffles....which are mostly gone. So...needless to say...I should maybe do some crunches tonight?! I need to lose this weight!!! Even if I have to find a way to shake and shimmy every night for an hour or so!
Another factoid of my life: I may or may not be able to get a car over Spring Break. So, here's the deal. My 21st birthday falls on Spring Break from college. This year (along with receiving the legal right to drink alcohol,) my mother was planning to get me my first car EVER!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! BUT-this is all dependant on when she gets her Federal Tax Refund back. She sent her forms out about 2 weeks ago, and they JUST got there the day before last. Um...what? Post office fail or federal government fail? Maybe both. They're the same thing, really.
Soooo...here's my deal. I thought I would finally have the chance to feel like I'm on equal footing (or tires?) with everyone else my age. I've been driving my mothers car since I was 15. It's really hard to hear other kids saying "Oh, let's just take my car" as if it's no big deal for 6 years. It gets old after a while. It shouldn't be such a touchy subject, but for those who don't have something that everyone else takes for granted...it's frustrating.
Having a car is something that Vermont kids (especially) place a lot of value on. Having your first car means you can finally have freedom. Because it takes at LEAST a 15 minute drive to get anywhere worthwhile in VT, if you don't have a car, you're pretty much stuck. I'm so sick of having to depend on other people's schedules and moods to determine whether or not I get to go somewhere. I've dealt with it for 21 years of my life, the past 6 of which have felt extremely long. I want to be a normal person with a car! I would like to not have to depend on stupid bus schedules or mooch off friends for rides to the grocery store! I would like to not have to barter with my mother during my breaks from school about if she has to work tomorrow, and if I can borrow her car.
Long story short...this has been a long time coming. I feel like a donkey with a carrot being dangled in my face. The federal government better get their $H!T together and hurry up with my mother's refund so I can stop feeling like an inadequate college student. Please and thank you.
(One vehicle my mom told me about was for sale in W. Rutland or somesuchplace. It's a black Saturn Vue. My mom currently has a blue one, but black works for me too! We're looking into getting a standard because I have so much fun driving a stick shift. Here's what one will potentially look like:)
Cute, right? :)
I'm going to do my best to be patient. I mean, even if I don't get the vehicle (which I really hope I do...otherwise some other plans of mine might be a little screwed...) I can still do this:
FYI...my mother has plans to get me drunk. It's been a plan in motion since I was 9. :)
SO-I hope this catches you up to where I'm at in life. I have missed Blogger! It feels good to write this out of my system. <3
Until next time...
May the road rise to meet you (but not too quickly...)
Break Time,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
I'll Be Your Spark
I have finally found the right forums for the right subject matters for my online things. :) Blogger I plan to use for any longer posts or rants I feel I need to go on, Tumblr is a great way to find something quick and easy to post, and I've recently joined Sparkpeople.com (basically a free version of Weight Watchers) to get started on my weight loss journey....again. Wish me luck, I'll need it. :)
Also to aid me in my journey, I'm going to talk to Ryan to see if he'd like to join to be my online/virtual buddy to try to keep me focused and on the right track for losing the weight I'd love to lose. :) Maybe if the support is coming at me from all directions (in real life AND on the site,) I'll feel more like I have to stay focused and motivated. Let us hope!
In other news, I have a first date tonight with someone I gave my number to on Friday night. :) I'm pretty excited, and I think it'll go well. I'll try to keep up with updates and such if I feel that I must write something about what happened.
Okay, well adios mi amigos! I need to start my day and get my butt into gear. Until next time!
<3 Megan <3
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tumblr is Stealing My Affections
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while! I decided to try Tumblr (thinking I wouldn't like it.) And surprise! It's my favorite! Tumblr is essentially a love child of Blogger + Twitter. It's fast, easy, and I don't have to go into huge detail about any topic I want to talk about. It is really simple to just post a picture with or without caption, and not have to explain it.
Don't get me wrong, there will be some topics I'll want to extrapolate on myself, but for now I'm reveling in the quick-and-easy posting mechanism that does what I want with less work.
To check out what I'm posting, click here and see what my "Spread the Love" Tumblr is all about.
Don't get me wrong, there will be some topics I'll want to extrapolate on myself, but for now I'm reveling in the quick-and-easy posting mechanism that does what I want with less work.
To check out what I'm posting, click here and see what my "Spread the Love" Tumblr is all about.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Netflix Queue
Hello, Blogosphere!
Back in October, I finally decided that I was sick of trying to (illegally) stream videos and things to watch when I got bored (and deal with the stress of wondering if I had infected my computer with a virus in the process,) so I decided to give Netflix a try after noticing that it really wasn't a scam, and that many of my college counterparts are also signed up.
Long story short, I LOVED it. I quickly went through and found literally hundreds of titles that I've wanted to see but haven't had the chance, as well as oldies but goodies. Unfortunately, my excitement was capped when I reached the 500 title limit for the queue. Hahahaha. Awesome.
Since then, I've been working hard to bring down the queue to a more manageable level, which is sometimes really rather difficult considering some of the other stuff I have on my list (separate from the queue) consists of about 40 television shows I've wanted to see or have heard pretty good things about, but never had time/was able to sit down and watch them as they were aired on television.
Now-I'm making up for lost time. At 500 movies and 40 television shows (not counting the many seasons some of them have,) I definitely have my work cut out for me.
Now, what's taking so long? Well, when I signed up for Netflix I told Ryan we would be able to watch a lot of these movies together, and when we were both satisfied, we could delete the title from the queue. That turned out to be a much more difficult process than originally intended. Our schedules are both very hectic, so it's becoming a 'Megan-watches-a-movie-and-rates-it-and-when-Ryan-watches-it-he-can-delete-it-from-the-Queue' sort of process. Currently, I'm at about 450-something movies in the physical queue (the ones that physically get sent to your mailbox,) and about 48 titles in the Instant Watch queue.
In short-we're working on it. :) There's a LOT of really great media out there, and I'm proud to be supporting Netflix with my business. They have an amazing company, and I think I'll be registered with them until the day I die (or run out of movies and television shows to watch.)
The Q,
Time Management,
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