So I'm a failure, I know. Stop glaring at me. I haven't blogged in like...I don't even remember how many days. HOWEVER, if it matters to you, things are going great for me! (Not necessarily in the whole weight loss area, but definitely for life in general.) By the way-I haven't actually gained any weight per se, because I'm still at 260. *Sigh.*
Anyway, hours! Yay! I asked for more hours at work becasue I was being dropped down to 5-10 hrs/wk at Kinney's, and I couldn't afford to only be working 10 hrs/wk. So, after leaving a note with my boss explaining the situation-voila! 23 hrs per week, baby!!!!
I am very excited about all this. Two weeks from Thursday I will be making major payments on my credit card to free up that money to buy my textbooks, and sometime this week I'll be getting my $52.70 that Ryan still owes me. ;) MONEY IS ON ITS WAY!!! Maybe I won't have to be completely broke forever!
Also, regarding money. I'm considering switching to TD Bank for all my banking needs. However, I don't know about any monthly fees or minimum amounts of $ you have to have in your account at all times. Ashley says that if I get a student account it's free, but I'm still a little worried. I guess the best thing for me to do is to stop in and talk to someone after I get paid. Another reason I'm considering switching is so that I can use the AWESOME ATM in Burlington. It's like, hi-tech n' shit.
Toes. In other news, Mitchell and I are now officially officially boyfriend and girlfriend (we've been dating, but now it has finally clicked.) I am now the proud possessor of his class ring, and wear it all the time. (Pssst...Ryan, I need to see you on Thursday so I can show you...and get ma' money!) <3
We also did our first overnight up in Maine. It was a WONDERFUL time. <3 The only downside is that now I miss him. I miss cuddling and I miss kissing and I miss being "couple-y" with someone. He has very skillfully cracked open my "Single Lady" shell, and now I am putty in his hands...well...mostly. Except for those times I want to be stubborn (comes with the red hair, and being an only child and all.) We just fit. Ryan told me about a month ago over the phone, "...its almost like you guys have just been waiting for each other. He was looking for someone to be loyal and faithful, and you were looking for someone that actually wants to go places with his life, who you can keep up with, and who can keep up with you." (*Note-not an exact quote...my memory sucks. But that was the jist of it.*) That stuck with me over the past month. Whenever Mitchell and I have had miscommunication discrepencies, I remembered that. It's very powerful because it's true. We did it. We found each other. That means so much more to me than a small argument about what one word means to me versus what it means to Mitchell. We're stronger than that. We WILL do this thing and we will DO IT RIGHT. Miscommunications don't happen all the time, but when they do, I'm proud of the fact that we can work through them TOGETHER as a TEAM, and actually work to see where the other person is coming from. We don't yell, we don't scream, we don't throw chairs. Like, did you KNOW that you can have an argument and not yell at someone?! Haha. :) On another note, he always has a way of making me lay all my cards on the table. I can't lie to him (I wouldn't even if I was able to-good relationships aren't built on lies,) and I can't beat around the bush. Which is nice for a change. Having someone to drag me out into the spotlight for inspection doesn't happen too often usually. It's differen't with him-constant. He questions me, and pushes me to think about what I just said. (Hahahahaha...which is usually a riot.) He says my name in the form of a question and the "what aren't you telling me" tone and I answer with a timid "yesss?" Simple as that. Almost Edward and Bella-esque, except he doesn't sparkle in the sun (well maybe, but only in my eyes), and I don't usually come off quite as awkward as Bella. <3 P.S.-One more thing I'm really happy about. While I was up in Maine he took me to see a movie. That's my first time having been on a real date where someone pays for me. Um, wow. I'm extremely impressed. And giddy. But mostly impressed.
Less than 2 months until I'm back in Burlington. I can't wait because I miss living everyday life with Ashley, Velvet, and Ryan, but then again...I'm going to miss Mitchell...a lot. :'( WHY ARE THERE NO CHEAP WAYS TO MAINE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
*Sigh* Oh well. Time will tell in regards to that.
Anywho, I am going to go back trying to learn how to play League of Legends without dying an average of 7 times every game. Much love to you all. Hang in there.
<3 Megan <3
P.S. -RIP to Mitchell's golden retriever, Jake. He finally moved on last night.
P.P.S. -Just for future reference-I am not planning on becoming a clown and making people cry as a career choice. Just sayin'.